Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV

My body jerks forward as the car finally halts in front of this very tall building. Leaving my mouth agape as I sight this modern structure up close.

It was funny how I daydream of seeing the beautiful city up close when I was still young while I sat on top of the hill, watching the colorful lights dancing from afar

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It was funny how I daydream of seeing the beautiful city up close when I was still young while I sat on top of the hill, watching the colorful lights dancing from afar. Now that I'm here, I didn't expect it to be this noisy and polluted, nothing like the forest's environment.

My eyes trailed up until I no longer see the very top, my eyes squinting due to the blinding rays of the sun. But my view was blocked by a figure, she opened the door and dragged me out by the chain. I kept on stumbling as we made our way inside due to her very fast pace. Staffs and guards from here and there bowed and greeted her as she let her presence be known.

Then, we entered inside a very small room with a bunch of buttons with numbers attached to the wall. She pressed the highest button and the door suddenly closes without anyone touching it. I clenched my chest, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I jump out of surprise. A weird feeling of being lifted soon followed that made me a bit dizzy.

Thoughts of ways to escape now came rushing back as I stand behind her. I glanced at the mirror in front to catch her staring intensely at me. I nervously gulped because of some unknown reason.

I was thinking of strangling her right now while I'm still alone with her but my hands seem to have a mind of their own and decided to just dangle on my sides. I thought of kicking her also but the fear of what's waiting on the other side of this door made my wolf's tail tucked in between my legs.

"Once you step out of my penthouse, I'll make sure to cut your limbs. So better be good, puppy" Ms. Kim spoke with such coldness and bitterness as if she had just read my thoughts. Better to stay low for now.

Not long after, I heard a 'ding', and the door slides open revealing a very luxurious and modernized living room. Simple yet cozy, giving me off a homey vibe.

 Simple yet cozy, giving me off a homey vibe

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Ms. Kim clasps her hand around the back of my neck and shoved me down on the floor. I landed on all fours with a thud, scraping my bruised knees. I was still in utter shock to feel the pain or to notice four other women in a maid's clothes rushing towards us.

"I want her groomed up and brought in THAT room in an hour or two"

Once I was up to my feet, she harshly gripped my jaw tightly and fished out the syringe in her pocket. I whimpered and she quickly plunges the needle on my neck and ever so slowly injected the wolfsbane in me.

Pain erupted on that spot and I let out a low snarl under my muzzle. My eyes were wide open as my orbs turned in a golden hue. My veins crept up from my legs, arms, and face as the substance slowly spread in my system. A thing that always happens to werewolves when poisoned with those kinds of substance.

A fire of rage flick inside me when I heard her maniacally laughing at my pained state like a psycho person. I repeatedly clawed her arm that was still clutching my neck. But to my surprise, she looks unbothered. A maid then pulled the chain, making my head jerk back.

I constantly struggled through my restrains until the familiar feeling of being weak came back. My arms fell on my sides and my legs felt like jelly. Trembling as it struggled to keep me upright. Ms. Kim pulled out the now empty needle and pushed me back like a weightless paper.

"Remember, she's a wolf. Take extra precautions."

She handed each person two syringes, one containing wolfsbane and the other containing a tranquilizer. She then spun around, ready to leave when she stilled and turned her head slightly just above her shoulder.

"Oh before I forgot, don't take her muzzle off. She bites"

With that, she took her leave. Her hips sexily swaying from side to side as I watched her disappear from my sight.

After many years of spending in captivity, I finally got a shower. The maids scrubbed the filth off my body and shampooed my hair while my hands were tied together at the wall. They really did take precautions.

They then aided my bruises and cuts. Them, flinching every time I snarl or winced in pain. They also trimmed my very dirty nails and my really long hair and bangs. I, feeling refreshed to be cleaned after many years.

After being groomed, they guided me towards the room where Ms. Kim had wanted. They knocked twice and the door creaks open, revealing none other than the crazy woman. The maids took their leave as she grabs a hold of my wrist.

She tugged on them and pulled me inside which shook me down to the very core. Forcing every hair on my body to stand up while I trembled in both fear and horror. It was a sight that made my stomach turned and twisted.

I gulped in fear as I roamed my eyes around. A normal king-size bed with cuffs dangling in the headboard. A large kennel in the corner, that I'm sure was enough to fit a human. On the table side were different sorts of knives, axes, whips, cutters, and other torture devices. All were neatly placed, just waiting to be used. The walls were plain white with stains of blood, decorating them. And the familiar scent of the metallic blood strongly lingers in this room. Making me shiver as the thought of someone dying in here hits me.

It was hideous. I wanted to vomit, to run, to escape. But I knew I was too late when I heard a 'click' that made me turn to my heels. There I saw her by the door while holding the knob, wearing her mischievous smirk. She slowly neared me and I was frozen like ice. She leaned to my ear and whispers something.

"Don't worry puppy, I'll make sure we'll have fun together"


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