Chapter 3

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"AHHHHHHHH" I released a glass-breaking scream as the silver knife dug unto my back. Both burning and tearing my skin away. The pain was scorching and unbearable. I could already smell and feel the huge amount of blood, gushing out, making me slip out of consciousness.

But it seems like I haven't had enough since my tormentor forced me back into consciousness by throwing a bucket of freezing water on me; removing any form of drowsiness in my system.

I sucked in a huge amount of breath and coughed out the water that went inside my nose. I was about to rise on all fours when a knee forced me back down. Adding more weight on my open cut, making me scream once more.

I shook my head vigorously, pounding it to the ground to somehow ease the pain that came exploding on my back. I scream, flailed, struggled, and wailed but none of my attempts succeeds.

"You deserve to DIE!" I shouted as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, jerking it back.

But instead of responding, he slammed my head down repeatedly on the floor. My vision blurs, blinking a couple of times to make it clear, my head throbbed and my nose bled while I coughed more on my mouth.

He once again pulled my hair, my scalp felt like it was being torn away. I jerked my head back and he leaned closer to my ear.

"Try biting our customers again and I'll make sure you'll never see sunlight again" he whispers

"I'll make sure to hit you first where the sun doesn't shine" I retorted, angering him more.

And I swear, if smoke can come out of your ears and nose then there would be one now, coming out from him. He quickly pulled the silver whip from his pocket and raised it up. He brought down on my barely covered back with such force, that it echoed out through this whole room.

Each strike, one stronger than the last, making me jump. The pain overwhelming me, feeling like it was my first time being whipped again.




"All of you.."


"Will PAY!"


I gritted my teeth as a low snarl left my throat.

"Oh, I'm scared" Jackson said with full of sarcasm, only to continue bringing the whip down again.


He kept on going and going and all I can do is nothing but to endure every strike.


"And why is this one full of chains?" A female voice asked which perked my attention. But unfortunately, I cannot see her since my eyes were still swollen, my heavy eyelids prevented me to see.

"She is a werewolf, ma'am" Jackson explained.

"I'll get her"

I heard the rusty door slid open but I remained unmoving.

"Get up Bitch!" Jackson yelled, kicking me in the ribs

I quickly curled into a fetal position, clutching my chest as I grunt in pain. I forced my swollen eyes open. He then forced the muzzle on me before removing the shackles on the ankles. I thought I can kick him, but he turned me over. Gripping on my wrist as he latched the shackles on them at my back.

And instead of unwrapping the collar on my neck, like he usually does, he unhooked the chain connecting to it on the wall. Before tugging on it, dragging me on my feet.

He led me out of the cell for the second time of the day and handed the chain to the woman who claims to buy me.

"Why is she muzzled?" The woman spoke as she continues to examine me.

I also studied her which caught me off-guard. I know it's hard to admit it but I think I was blown away by her beauty.

My eyes trailed down, starting from her long black hair, down to her prominent nose, cute chubby cheeks that looks like a dumpling. Her kissable plump lips, covered with red lipstick. And down to the very tight red dress that hugs her very slim but curvy figure.

In short, she was a goddess, a beauty of perfection that somehow made my wolf crazy. I lifted my eyes up to look at her feline ones and we ended up staring at each other's orbs.

Her eyes were void that matches her cold expression. Until I caught a glimpse of something that seems to be screaming danger. It gave me goosebumps as chills ran down my spine. My eyes were probably cold and lifeless but it seems like she likes it?

She flashed a quick smirk before turning on her heels, her hair slapping my face, snapping me back to reality.

"Move it!" Jackson yelled behind me, pushing me to follow the woman.

Once we reached the front door, the woman handed a check while Jackson handed some silver, wolfsbanes, and my chain to her.

"Pleasure doing business with you Ms. Kim" Jackson bowed which the woman or Ms. Kim only responded with a short nod.

My buyer led me out, tugging on my chain, and instead of attacking or escaping, I only followed her like an obedient pup.

This isn't me...


How was it? Am I being too harsh on Lisa?

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