Chapter 14

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Author's note.

Okay... so for those who did not understand what happened in the last part of the previous chapter; Jennie was hallucinating.


Lisa's POV

"Sorry.... sorry... sorry" It's like a repeated mantra, annoying. Though, the voice is kinda low and muffled; clouded maybe. The ringing was much louder and clearer.

It felt like I was deep down underwater. I can breathe but the pressure being under feels like my head was about to split in half and my eardrums feel like bursting.

What is happening? Why can't I move nor do anything? It seems like I'm forced into oblivion and stuck in a limbo.

Everything seems dark and well... I don't know


"I'm sorry Jisoo unnie. I promise I won't let them hurt you again..." There's that voice again, it was soft but weak and broken. Then, it started to rain? Or was it rain? Even if I can't see, I could still feel my surroundings; the raindrops and the wetness forming on my cheeks.

Wait.... Jisoo unnie? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before?


The drilling in my head started getting unbearable. It hurts...




"Lalisa! What did I tell you about bringing someone here, more worst, a human?!" My father scolds me as his fury-filled eyes darted between me and my friend whose neck is between my father's firm hold, sobbing.

"Father! Please she is a friend, she brings no harm!" I went down on my knees and begged him to not hurt her.

But my father only tightened his grip that made my friend yelp in fear and pain. "You know better than this Lalisa! We cannot let her go alive"

My friend gasp for air and struggled within his mighty hold as every ounce of air was forced out of her lungs. And I was forced to watch as my friend whom I cared so dearly took her last breath before hanging limp on my father's hands.

I drew in a shaky breath as my eyes widen in disbelief and tears started welling up. It can't be...


S-she isn't dead, she can't be.

She promised!

Come on, open your eyes and tell me your fine! Please.


"Y-you... You are a monster! A killer! I hate you!" I shouted at my father who seems unfazed by the whole situation. Then I took off to the only place that brings me comfort while roughly wiping the tear that keeps on falling non-stop.

As soon as I reached the place, I laid on a grassy hill, humming to a certain melody as I continued to stay inside my own world. Just enjoying the scenery of the beautiful land as the sun rises upfront. Trying to get my mind off my friend whom my father just killed mercilessly.

But then, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of the clearing was suddenly omitted when the sound of gunshots emitted the forest ground, forcing every flock of birds to fly away.

BANG.... BANG... BANG...

Howls and squeals of pain rang through my ears as the armed men mercilessly shot every werewolf they find. I quickly jerked up, my reverie cut short as I felt each and every death of my pack members.

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