Chapter 26

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Lisa's POV

We have been cowards lately; running and hiding as we now both live in fear and danger like a mouse being chased by an extremely hungry owl.

But as long as it's for the best and for our safety, we will do anything.

I pressed my face upon the cool glass as I stared blankly at the trees, which are now starting to line up on each side. Currently, we are speeding down the highway, heading to a more secluded town.

We have been running and hiding away for about a month now. Constantly moving from one place to another to prevent her uncle from finding us.

Yes, she spilled everything in just one night– well not everything I guess. But she told me about what happened after we got back at the falls, how her uncle forced her back to the facility to 'train' because she was needed in some kind of hunting or war that her uncle created.

Apparently, she was like an object, only a weapon to her uncle's eyes. And if she doesn't obey his every command, he will hunt down those who are dear to her, including me.

And that thought angered me very much.

She was a living being, how dare he use my mate for weaponry?!

How dare he force her to kill when she herself doesn't want to? Or at least trying to not want.

It was infuriating my wolf and I.

But we couldn't do anything since Jennie kept on begging us to run away and escape. The scared, worry, and concern across her face that night had molded my mind into agreeing.

Plus, I couldn't bear the thought of her running away alone. I'm her mate, even if she acknowledges it or not, it's undeniable, it won't change how I was feeling towards her.

So I run away with her.

It was completely tiring, we were exhausted. With our current situation, I just wanted to laugh like a person in a mental hospital. Laugh away all the problems as if there are no problems at all.

Maybe I deserve to be in a mental hospital.

I'm starting to lose my mind.

"How much longer, Nini?" I whined as my patience started to thin. We have been on the road since dawn and I'm worried about my mate who still hasn't gotten any sleep. Well, she barely got any sleep these past weeks as she was too busy worrying about our safety.

She looks completely tired.

And moving frequently didn't make things any better.

She was stubborn about it.

"Just another hour before we reach the town." Even her voice sounds so tired.

Oh if only I know how to drive.

"Don't worry about me Lili, why don't you get some sleep first?" Jennie kept her eyes on the road but I saw her slump a little on her seat, looking more exhausted than I am.

"You should be the one resting" I mumbled before reclaiming my spot on the window as I watch the forest thicken and flashes of sunlight peeping through the trees. A calming and inviting sight to see.

But my mind wasn't anything near calm as it was filled with dread. Seemingly not wanting to forget everything that had happened that night.


Thump thump thump thump....

I can hear the frantic beating of my own heart as it thumps loudly in my ears. It was all I could hear as everything seemingly turned like a scene in a horror movie.

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