Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

My sweat-covered body jolted awake as I constantly gasping for air as if I was suffocating. My eyes were wide in fear as I was panting heavily as if I ran through miles of road. It all felt so real that I still have to slap myself to know if I was really breathing and a hundred percent alive. I quickly examine my leg to find it unwounded which is a huge relief.

I peered through the window to see a bit of sunlight peaking through. Something glittered at the corner of my eye which caught my attention. As my eyes landed on the shiny object, my body froze in utter fear and shock. It was the same metal knife that I saw in my nightmare. Only it wasn't bloodied this time.

My feet then dragged me outside as if it has a mind of their own. Then I was surprised to see myself already in front of Irene's room, ready to knock. Like in my dream, I twisted the knob and peeked in only to see Seulgi's sleeping figure on the bed with no hint of Irene anywhere.

Instead of descending the stairs like what I did in my dream, I decided to explore. Entering every room that wasn't locked. At first, nothing seems suspicious. All rooms were bedrooms, all have the same designs like the one I slept in. Until I reached a room that wasn't really locked but the door won't budge.

I slammed my body into the door and it creepily creaked open. This room is different from the others. It was much more spacious and gloomy. Like no one had entered for a very long time. I walked from the bed to the desk until I reached a certain shelf full of pictures. I lifted one frame and saw a very young girl, happily holding her parents' hands. Then there is another one holding a diploma with the name Jennie on it.

And the last picture had caught me off-guard. It was her. The woman who has just bought me. The monster who enjoyed inflicting pain. The devil whom I just escaped from. My brows rose in utter shock as I proceeded on scanning various photos of her.

As my eyes landed on the last frame, two girls hugging each other came into view. The girl whom I realize was none other than Irene. Then it suddenly dawned on me as I finally pieced the puzzle together. I was about to turn around and run away when the witch's eyes met mine.

"Jenjen is on her way now. We don't want you escaping now do we?" That is the last thing I heard before a hard object hits my head with full force that made me completely lose my consciousness.


I now lay on my back stretched, and waited for my punishment. My arms and legs were tied with thick ropes that restrains me from escaping. I didn't have a choice. I cried my eyes out and trembled in terror. I thought I was already free. Now I am back again within her hold.

No, no, no, no! I thought before I let out a loud, fearful sob.

Jennie walked towards the table with her back turned to me. When she turned again to face me, I cried in horror as I saw her holding a huge hammer.

"N-no! P-please! I-I w-won't escape again. I-I s-swear!" I tried to reason with a trembling voice while more tears dripped

Jennie walked towards me and I whimpered loudly at every footstep of hers that also sent shivers down my spines.

Jennie stood next to my laid form. "You escape once and you'll no doubt escape twice. If I don't show you the consequences now, you'll do it again."

Jennie leaned and grabbed my jaw roughly with her hand and I sobbed loudly against her touch. "Remember about what I told you about stepping out of my penthouse?"

She let go of my face and started stroking my cheek gently as my tears ran down and wetted her hand. "I told you I'll cut your limbs one by one" She said with a gentle voice and that forced tears to rush down even harder as I shiver in terror.

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