Chapter 42

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Jennie's POV

After many years, I finally have the courage to look at the mirror. The girl who was created by cruel creatures of such, forced to conquer the real owner of this body by instinct just to live and survive- the one who I loathed very much.

Gradually, she fades like that of a ghost as if she never existed. I noticed how my once dull eyes came to life- it was smiling just like how Lisa had pointed out. That girl may not have disappeared fully due to the scars of my dark past, but at least, somehow, the real 'me' is starting to uncover.

Kinda refreshing, yes. And I hope she never comes back.

Still staring at the mirror of our bathroom, I continue to examine the mark that Lisa had imprinted on my neck last night.

It was an image of a crescent moon with a howling wolf.


I can't stop staring at it.

It was one of the reasons why I had gained enough courage to face the mirror without breaking it within seconds.

"Hey Nini"

A set of arms snake around my waist and I let put a squeal as the owner of the voice lifts and twirls me around once. She then kisses my cheek and the mark on my neck, before resting her chin on my shoulder, back-hugging me ever so gently.

We just stood there for quite a while as we sway subtly and stare at the mirror with contented grins across our faces.

Oh and, did I already mention we're in our naked glory?

It allows us to see each other's scars of different lengths and sizes- a symbol of our resilience, Lisa said. Mine's still horrendous and healing, while hers is a bit better now. But even so, our haunted memories that caused it will never be forgotten. It may forever remind us of those horrible times, but it will always serve as a reminder that we are able to conquer something that seems so impossible and worth giving up. We won't let it bother and in prison us for a lifetime.

"Shall we bathe together?" Lisa asks and I hum in response.

She lit some scented candles as I proceed on filling the tub with warm water and scented bubble soap.

After, we dip in, enjoying the wonderful fragrance unfurling around and the relaxing warmth that the water and our bodies bring.

"So we're officially mated now" I start.

"Yeah we are, that means it'll be harder for you to stay as a normal human being. The members will instantly know you're my mate once they get a whiff of our now mixed scent or see my mark on your neck"

"Oh" Was all that I could say. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it.

It was kind of a bittersweet feeling.

"You don't have to worry about your scent though, these scented soaps and candles can hide our scent for hours"

I scoot and snuggle beside her, and she quickly wraps her right arm around my bareback.

"I wish someday we won't have to hide anymore" I say, downcasted.

"I wish so too"

Our conversation continues naturally as time ticked by. We stayed in the tub for a good while, snuggled in the comforts of each other's bare yet warm bodies. I didn't know how it happened but, the bathroom ended up as if a tornado just passed. I remember splashing a good amount of water onto her face, then laughing my ass off. From there, all hell breaks loose.

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