Chapter 38

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Chaeyoung's POV

If you truly love someone so dearly, you will do whatever it takes to repair and seal the chain of the bond linked to the both of you to secure its certainty to last forever.

"Then go on, I'll listen" I beam, a certain joy emerging within my chest upon learning her faith in me, despite witnessing my cruelty towards her family member.

"You see, life has never been easy for her, I witness every second of it. She grew up knowing nothing other than pain and violence, really. She was a neglected child; her mother never loved her ever since, afraid of her own daughter for the reasons she only knew while her father loved her very much but unfortunately, has little to no time since he was the leader of the hunters. She was a happy kid back then, we would often play together. But she never went to school like any other hunter kids her age as my father started training her by force at the age of three, punishing her every time she chose to defy, one worst and more brutal than the other"

Her voice cracked.

"Hey hey, why are you crying?" I asked softly as I saw tears in her glistening eyes.

I wiped them as she sniffs.

"I saw her change! I saw how her life, happiness and innocence were taken out of her. She became submissive to my father, never once dared to stand for herself and defy him ever again. And what did I do? I just fucking watched like a coward! Crying at the corner as I watched my father beat the shit out of her, afraid. All I could do was to comfort her after"

"Years passed and she suffered the same thing over and over again while I get to live a normal life like the others. I was fourteen when I decided to steal Jennie away from my father, sneaking out of the facility to wander around the thick forest that covers our location. It was our first time stepping out of the safe grounds and we didn't know what awaits outside until.... we encountered a small group of mages. Jennie fought them as she ordered me to run and hide as I just started training that time and had very little knowledge when it comes to fighting. But I was stubborn as hell and stayed with her, wanting to help and fight too. I didn't know that I would just be a nuisance until a blast of power hit me in the head hard, which threw me off the ground. I saw how she lost focus as she took a quick worried glance at me and got beaten by those mages. I tried standing but fell unconscious instead"

"It took me days before I woke up inside the infirmary of the facility grounds. By then, my cousin was nowhere to be found. I tried looking for her but to no avail. Even her utterly worried father didn't know where she was. A feeling of dread came up as I thought that my father had already killed her. Not until two months passed by, and war happened between them and a large pack of werewolves. My cousin was found alongside her parents in an extremely horrible state, barely breathing. Her parents didn't make it though, lucky for her she did, and was given the responsibility to lead the hunters"

"She didn't want it as she only wanted to live a normal life, but had no choice. The elders forced her to shoulder the heavy responsibility despite being thirteen, for they knew something that is only kept among them. Every night, she would sneak into my room and weep until her eyes can no longer provide energy and tears. She would sometimes tell me what happened when she was with the wolves - how she was locked inside a cellar by a big bad alpha for months, how kind the she wolf is to help and give her food, and how she met a young girl her age who could make her smile and forget that she was a captive there. It was hard for me to see her so miserable every single day. And again, all I could do was to listen, be her pillar to lean on and a shoulder to cry on"

"Until I had enough one day..... I volunteered to be her second in command and took her responsibilities, despite not wanting to. I helped her sneaked out of the facility and into the city, for her to live a normal life like what she wished for. And she did, and I was so proud of her when she became a CEO of her own company at such a young age. Sure, she comes back to the facility every now and then to check and evaluate hunters' fighting skills. But that's just it, her only command was to hunt down those who hurt and kill humans. No war, no chaos— well almost, when she learned that my father was planning on leading our large group of hunters in Australia and use them against our group here. He didn't succeed though, Jennie stopped him three years ago"

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