Chapter 32

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Jennie's POV

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.....

It keeps on going on and on and I couldn't keep up with the counting.

It was undeniably annoying

A pressure so light and soft, repeatedly landing on every possible spot on my face. It tickles as it brushes against my forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips, forcing me out of my heavenly perfect place.

Annoying but....

Even the warmth of the sun was nothing compared to this–

This annoying yet surprisingly enjoying feeling that warms up my cold morning.

Yawning, I flutter my eyes open, only to be dazzled by the blinding sun– my gorgeous sun. The one and only culprit who kidnapped me out of my dreamland.

"Lili" The morning voice was there.

"Morning beautiful" She gave me one last long and sweet kiss before laying back down beside me.

And I sigh contently as I rest my hand on my chest, feeling the frantic beating of my heart.

I could get used to waking up like this.

"Did you like it?" Lisa asks, tangling her limbs to mine as she stirs to her side, facing me with a smug grin.

"No, it was annoying" Can't boost her ego now, can I?

"Your heart says otherwise" She taps my chest in the same rhythmic pattern of my heartbeat, which is increasing in speed within the minute.

"It wasn't a lie though? All I'm saying is that it was annoying– annoyingly good" I snuggle closer, filling the littlest of the gap between.

"I'm glad" She buries her head in the crook of my neck. "I'll be your alarm clock from now on"

"Hmm" I hum in response.

With that, she started to rain me with kisses once again, soft and slow this time.

Starting on my forehead, trailing down to the tip of my nose. Her plump lips brushing against mine and down to my jaw and neck.

Subconsciously, my eyes flutter close, wanting to heighten the feeling of every delicate touch of her lips.

"Mmm...." Little moans naturally slides off my mouth.

"Lisa" I say all breathy as she started to nibble a certain spot on my neck.

It was tickling yet soothing.

"I'll mark you here someday when both you and I are ready. One day, I'll claim you and show the world that you are mine and only mine, and I am yours and only yours"

She cups my chin and stares at me, sweetly smiling as she kisses me once more before laying her head on my chest.

"I love you, Lili" I was able to finally get it out of my system, meaning every word.

I love her.

Yes, I really really do.


I'm sure.

I wanted Lisa to know, let her know and remind her repeatedly as much as I can.... because I really do. I mean it.

And as cliché as it may sound, I don't think I won't ever get tired of saying it. Ever.

She grins madly, clutching her chest firmly. "Hearing those three words from you just makes my heart burst with happiness"

"You're being cheesy again" But I'm not complaining or anything.

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