Bonus Chapter

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Lisa's POV

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Lisa's POV


"Lisa" I felt a tap on my cheek.

"Lisa!" And next, a slap.

With a groan, I force my eyes open. Only to be greeted by Jisoo and Chaeyoung, who's faces are just mere inches from mine.

I recoiled away quickly.

"What are you guys doing!" I exclaim while cradling my stinging cheek.

The couple gave each other a look of surprise before reverting them back to me, looking as though they are about to burst in a fit of laughter but is just holding back.

"You seriously don't remember what had just happened?" Asked Chaeyoung with incredulity.

I furrow my brows, searching for that one specific memory in my mind library.

And then-

"Oh... My... God!" With a gasp, my hands flew to my mouth. My cheeks turning red at the embarrasment.

I mean, I am an alpha.

But three to four members had just witnessed something that is not alpha-like. Or something that is unusual- should have had happened to its partner and not the other way around.

I hid my whole face, and the two began laughing. Only having to die down when the door to the room we are in suddenly creaks open.

"Mama! Mama! Are they here yet?" Seven year old Ella questions with excitement and giddiness.

I finally sat upright on the floor.

"I think so, I could've sworn I heard a mewl before-" I cringe, utterly abashed at that memory from a while ago.

I cleared my throat. "How long had I been....?"

"About three hours or so" Jisoo answered nonchalantly.

"Three hours?!" Fuck!

"How is she now?" I stand to my feet, dust myself, and lift Ella up.

"Exhausted obviously" Chaeyoung rolls her eyes.

"Mama, can we go visit them now? I really wanna see them!" The little witch squeaks with enthusiasm.

And I smile. "Of course"

We left the delivery room and made our way towards the pack's hospital's nursery, a giddy feeling coursing through me.

In front of the big window glass that separates us from the new born infants, we stand in awe, cooing at the sight of my sleeping wolf pup twins.

Yes, they are my biological pups- my pride and joy.

A boy and a girl.

"They're so cute!" Ella shrieks and I giggle.

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