Chapter 43

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Jennie's POV

Funny how things have changed drastically. Like how a toddler grows into a fine man or how appearances change from adorable to beautiful. Sometimes, it remains the same like that of a fine wine, it gets better as time passes by.

That is life.

There is no certainty in the future, we don't know what will happen. We don't know if we'll turn out like a wine or a sweet candy that goes bland after some time.

I never expected living a fickle life with so many twists and turns, as if I'm on one hell of a ride in a monstrous rollercoaster. Looking back from the old me, I never really visualize my future, thinking that I don't have one. That I'll remain the same until I grow old; killing others as my only motivation to keep me from ending my own life.

But now....

Not only does my world revolves around violence, but also around the people whom I care and love the most, especially Lisa. She is the one who showed me that there is still more than just plain old life and death. That between the phrase 'life and death', there is always the word 'and' in between that can mean just anything, depending on how people can define that one simple word.

I define it as happiness; life - happiness - death.

"Ready to go?" Jisoo unnie asks as she enters and sits at the backseat of my car, had just finished doing her business inside the comfort room.

"Not yet, Lisa's still buying some snacks for later, just in case we get hungry again" I replied, slumping down on the backrest.

We have been on the road for three hours now, with yours truly as their personal driver as our plan for today is to go have some fun time in the city of Seoul

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We have been on the road for three hours now, with yours truly as their personal driver as our plan for today is to go have some fun time in the city of Seoul. Go shop around for dresses as Lisa's alpha ceremony is approaching very fast.

It's in two days from now, and we decided to wander around the city for the last time before things get pretty busy around the territory, considering how Lisa will finally take full responsibility for the alpha stuff.

Halfway through our destination, our tummies began growling like monsters, that is why we decided to stop by a diner to have a quick hearty breakfast. Currently, we are at a gas station just beside the diner, having the tank filled before speeding down the highway again. We're just waiting for Lisa who, at the moment, is heading towards this car with arms filled with different variety of drinks, snacks, and junk foods.

"Sorry if I took some time, I had a hard time choosing what to and not to buy" She finally enters and sits at the shotgun seat beside me.

"Yah Limario, did you buy some chicken skewers?" Unnie asks as she starts to rummage inside the plastic bag filled with food.

"Didn't you have chickens for breakfast, unnie?" I chimed in but was disregarded.

"They only sell chicken nuggets" Lisa grab the said food and opened it. Instantly, Jisoo grabbed some and filled her mouth.

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