Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

Cold freezing water welcomed me as I zoned back to reality. Peals of laughter rang through my ears as my eyes shot open and my body jolted up. But I remained my gaze down to see a pair of black boots in front of me. I slowly trailed my gaze upwards and saw a bulky man, grinning down on me while holding an empty bucket.

I quickly scurried back until my behinds touch the wall. I tried showing my canines only to realize that a stupid muzzle was on me. I instead, let out a low snarl as I glared at him. But it looks like he wasn't even scared a bit.

"Aw...does little wolfy wanted to play?" He mocked me. I lunged myself at him only for him to catch me on mid-air.

"Do they not see me as a threat?" I started doubting myself. But either way, I am still a werewolf, making me stronger than any human being.

The man lifted me up with his strong iron grip before throwing me harshly across the cell. A sickening crack echoed as my head and body both hit the stony wall. My vision clouded as the throbbing pain arises but I shook it all away and tried on pounding on him once more. But again, he only catches my body and this time, wrestled me. I roughly landed on the ground with a loud thud.

"Fiesty one, aren't you"

I continued to struggle and flail underneath him but it was no use. He only added more of his weight, sucking the breath out of me. I stopped fighting and claimed defeat. Baring my neck to him as what werewolves always do when surrendering.


I shook my head as a 'no' but it seems like it only angered him more. He wrapped his calloused fingers around my neck and gave it a hard squeeze causing me to release a high-pitch yelp.

"From now on, you are to obey everything I said or pain will be the consequence"

I didn't dare to listen to his words and just stayed in my wolf form. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of me obeying him. If he wanted my human form, then he's not going to get it.

"Stubborn bitch!" He yelled

With his body still pinning me down, he started punching me everywhere. My face, stomach, ribs, back, and so on. Pain exploded everywhere, but honestly speaking, his punches were quite weak for my wolf.

That is until he brought out a silver knife which made me start trembling to the core. He brought it down on me, the silver burning my skin into crisp. The scorching pain on every cut led me to whimper loudly.

The cutting felt like hours. My skin was burnt, my fur was red and the man was grinning victoriously. He sure was successful in making my wolf weak, knowing that silver was our weakness. My wolf cowered at the very back of my mind and my body unwantedly shifted back to my pathetic human form.

The man pushed my head aside and quickly injected me with what I presume wolfsbane. A sharp pain has me crying out and flailing within his firm hold within seconds. I clutch the side of my head as I felt that they were about to be split open.

My orbs glowed into a golden hue as my system absorb the substance. Veins started appearing, crawling up from my arms, neck, and face, as my hostility was thrown out of me, forcing my battered body to be weaker. It also prevented me from shifting or communicating with my wolf. I was now defenseless.

My tormentor put an oversized shirt on me before dragging me by my hair towards the back of my cell. I winced and brought my hands up to protect my scalp. But he shoved my hands away, causing me to bite his wrist.

I bit it hard, enough for the blood to seep out. He, of course, let out a low groan and pulled his wrist out. Causing some skin to tear apart.

I see his eyes filled with fury as he looks at his bleeding wrist and down on me. Then, a hand flew by, making my head whipped to the side. Then a stinging pain soon followed on my cheeks. I slowly brought my hand up while my eyes water at the process.

"Next time you do that, it won't just be a slap" The man spat lowly.

He grabbed the metal collar that was hanging on the wall and latched it around my neck. Also grabbing some shackles and secured them around my ankles.

"Fuck you! All of you ruthless humans!"

I tried hard to stand up, then ran towards the man, but the chains pulled me back, making me fall backward and not allowing me to even come near the door.

I quickly glanced back at the chains, horrified as I remembered that I was still trapped, then quickly looked back at the man again, with a frightened face and pleading eyes.

"Please don't do this to me!" I thought instead of saying aloud.

The bastard looked back at me, opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He just looked away and closed the door behind him.

I backed away from the menacing door, tears filled my eyes as I bit my bottom lip and brought my hands to my chest. When my back hit the wall, I slid down, sat on this new rough ground, and brought my knees to my chest.

The only thing that accompanied me in this horrible cellar, was the horrible, strong, and mysterious shackles. And the fellow humans on the other cells, locked up like me.

I forced myself to think that this will end soon. Praying to the moon goddess to help me get out of this hell hole. Now I let my tears fall as I rested my head on the hard concrete. I cried and grieved for my members, letting all my built-up emotions out.

Not knowing...That the nightmare just started.


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