Chapter 4

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Jennie's POV

I hummed in satisfaction as I listen to the defeaning but wonderful scream of my toy, laying before me. She was heavily panting, her chest rising up and down quickly; petrified, no doubt.

I lifted the bloodied knife up that was plunged into her lower abdomen, allowing more of those crimson blood to gush out. She let out another ear-piecing scream that made both sides of my lips curl up. It was always satisfying to hear her terrified scream, to see those red crimson blood all over her body, and to smell those metallic scents that filled my nose right away. It was good and pleasant. I just smiled, contented with what I have done.

My toy is surely a goner, she was the longest I had among all my collections. And now, after six months of playing with it, she finally broke and I was just doing my job of disposing her like any other toys I had.

Now, I had to get a new one.


Click clack... click clack....

My red heels that match my red dress echoed through the long hallway that contains slaves sleeping inside their cells.

My eyes uninterestedly skimmed through each cell as a guy beside me continued on blabbing information about them. Unfortunately, no one here caught my attention. Those slaves were either broken or weak for my own liking, causing me from backing out.

The guy panicked since I was one of their customers who pays a good amount of money if one passes my standards.

"M-ms. Kim, p-please reconsider y-your decisions. W-we s-still have one s-slave who you d-din't get to see"

I scoffed at his patheticness, stuttering and panicking in front of his customers. "Fine, if this slave wasn't good enough, I won't buy here ever again"

The guy nodded his head mindlessly before composing himself and led me to a different cell.

A pathetic-looking girl came into view. Unlike other slaves, overwhelming chains restrained her like she was a dangerous animal, ready to attack if unleashed. I unconsciously cocked an eyebrow while I scanned her from head to toe.

She was covered in filth. Her browned ragged clothes barely covered her body, allowing me to see the bruises, scars, and cuts of different sizes; decorating her whole body. Her face was disfigured, her eyes were swollen and dried blood was sticking out from her nose and lips. She looked ten times worst than the other slaves. My nose scrunched up in disgust.

I faced the guy, who was nervously standing beside me. "And why is this one full of chains?" I decided to ask before venting out my rage on him for wasting my time.

"She's a werewolf ma'am"

My rage suddenly disappeared in a snap. "I'll get her" I said without any hesitation.

I know werewolves were hard to catch, obviously a hundred times stronger than a human. And for that fact that they can snap our necks in seconds with their strong and powerful jaw made people fear them that much. But seeing one now looking ever so weak, makes every part of me tingle in delight.

My family and I have once engaged with the human-werewolf activities years ago but that's a story to tell for another time. Right now, I was angered when the guy kicked my property. I was about to shout at him when the werewolf glared at him and tried kicking him as soon as her ankles were freed.

She's feisty, perfect. I might enjoy breaking her.

The guy led her to me with a muzzle on her face. I decided to ask while I study her features more. She did the same until our eyes met. I was open-mouthed to see her up-close. Even with her battered face and broken nose, she still managed to be a beauty. Her captivating doll-like eyes sucked me out of reality.

Thankfully, I was able to cut my trance short and just gave her a slight smirk before turning on my heels, purposely slapping my long hair on her face.

I decided to pay 20 million dollars, double the price, for offering such amazing slaves. I handed the check to the guy while he handed me some silver, a substance called wolfsbane, and finally her chain.

He bowed to me and I nodded in response. Then, I led my new toy to my luxurious car, dragging her by the chain while she surprisingly followed me obediently.

Once settled, I faced her and grabbed her chin harshly, forcing her to look at me. "Try escaping or attacking and you'll be dead meat for sure"

She bobbed her head, any signs of fear weren't present. I knitted my brows, not used to a slave not trembling and cowering before me. She seems so calm and comfortable making me the one who was uncomfortable.

I tightened my grip on the syringe inside my pocket. Fully aware of the monster beside me, ready to inject in case she decided to attack me.

Just wait, my precious toy then we'll play soon enough. I'll teach you how to fear me and you WILL submit to me soon.

Just wait....


Hello to anyone who's reading this! I hope you have a good day/night.

Thank you for reading! Love you♥

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