Chapter 23

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Jennie's POV

I need a distraction.

Get my mind off these certain things that will surely bother me for quite a while.

Standing up, I head over to the bathroom to shower, planning where I should wander off.

Just a quick shower maybe and some casual clothes will do. It's not like I'll go to any formal parties or anything.

Perhaps take a stroll around the city, since going to the bar at noon seems pretty early. Besides, no bars are open at this time.

And I know I'm sick, but not too sick anymore to prevent me from going out.

My fever had died down already... I think. But I can manage.

All I need right now is a distraction.

Or better, forget that today happened, pretend that I did not meet my cousin, and act like everything's okay.


All dressed up in some hoodie and shorts, I opened the door to be greeted by Lisa whose hands are on the doorknob, and who was about to enter.

Her face mirrors mine, surprised.

Though, she eyed me up and down with an eyebrow arched up, probably wondering why I'm all dressed up. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business" I hissed, still trying to keep my tough act on, even though she had seen me broke down many times.

I walked past her, only for her to grip my forearm. It wasn't rough though, firm but gentle, just enough to stop me from leaving.

"But you're sick. You can't go out yet" Worry is evident in her tone, and even on her face, looking straight at me as her eyes pleads for me to stay.

Those pleading eyes make me give in to her request just every damn time.

But is she worried because she.... cares?

The word itself sent shivers to my spine.

Humans alone never really care that much, so why would someone so dangerous and a bit animalistic?

Maybe care is not the word?

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as Lisa leads me back to bed, pulling my wrist without that much force but magically manage to really get my feet moving towards the bed.

"Just rest for the meantime, Jennie" She was about to lay me down when I grab her wrist, stopping her.

"No, you don't understand. I need some fresh air" I plead as I harshly remove the sheets, standing up.

"But your fever might get worse"

"It'll just get worst if you keep me trapped in this four-walled room!" I yelled in utter frustration, mostly because it felt like I was cramped inside a tight space with not enough air to breathe in.

"Can I just come with you then?" She asks carefully.

"Fine..." I heave a sigh, annoyed by the fact that I can't say 'no'

It's just a word with an easy pronunciation that even babies could say.

But I couldn't bring myself to say 'no', especially to Lisa.

What are you doing to me, Lisa?

Speaking of which, Lisa comes through the door, all dressed up in my clothes that I have been lending her ever since.

We were matching.

She too is wearing some shorts and a hoodie. Though, it was pretty loose, considering that she was quite skinny for her own good and no clothes of mine could fit her, even the smallest ones.

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