Chapter 16

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Jennie's POV

It's so loud. Deafening almost.

Their screams and shrieks of terror were agonizing.

It never stops.

I bang my head onto the wall as hard as possible, though I barely register the pain of the action as I focus more on the disturbing images in front of me.

Day and night, I could hear chains rattling wildly and their blood-curdling screams, including mine, crying in pure terror as those who are stone-hearted came before us. And now that I am alone in silence, it was much louder than before.

When would it ever stop?

Pulling my knees into my chest, I sway my body slightly back and forth, while staring vacantly at the menacing door.

He's here- they found me.

I stare at the animal beside me. He was one of them, sent by him to kill me, that I'm sure. I can smell it, it was in his scent; that oh so familiar scent that will forever be my nightmare.

I just need to kill them first.

Slowly, I tried hard to stand up on my trembling knees, but the cuffs at my back pulled me down, making me fall backward.

"Joohyun" It was weak and shaky, probably impossible for a human to hear; she isn't one though.

I tugged on the cuffs harder, using all my mustered strength to free myself. But it was no use, it was secured firmly around my wrist.

I need to get out of here!

"Joohyun!" I yelled louder this time as I heard some footsteps nearby.

It was then the door slowly creaks open and in goes a woman, looking ever so intimidating. She was wearing a mischievous smirk; a smirk that I haven't seen ever. In fact, I have never seen her like this before; so bold and malicious looking. Or maybe it is in her eyes that shows a glint of danger.

"Look at you, now look at me..." The woman nears me and kneels down to my level. " it fun being the one tied up, huh?"

"Seulgi, I-" She quickly grab a fistful of my hair, pulling it towards her.

"Looks like your 'Real Mate' doesn't want you to." she mocks, spitting the word 'mate' with utter disgust.

"And now, there's no Joohyun to stop me from doing this!" My head snaps to the side as a hand hits my cheek. Hard.

"And this!" It was a fist this time that came crashing on my other cheek.

"This is actually fun" She swings her fist right into my face, with full force, of course.

My vision instantly blurred. The sudden haziness overwhelming as the throbbing in my skull continues. But despite the pain, I still manage to let out a giggle.

She punches like a baby.

"No, I do not!" Whoops, I must've said it out loud.

Furious, she continues hitting me everywhere she could. My face, chest, stomach, limbs. She goes on and on like a boxer on a ring. I think she's also using her foot now and maybe claws too. I couldn't tell anymore. My mind is too clouded with pain to care.

"You said I was your mate" It was barely audible, my voice filled mostly with pain.

Seulgi laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "A heartless monster like you doesn't deserve any love..."

".... I just used you for my escape"

I could feel my lower lip trembling as the familiar and usual sting in my chest returns. "Why?"

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