Chapter 17

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Lisa's POV

To say that I was furious is an understatement.

It was much more of being livid.

To see her- my mate on the floor so helpless while being choked to death.

Who wouldn't be angry with that?

Oh and my surroundings, since when did it become red? Red like lava from a volcano. Yeah, I feel like a volcano right now- an aggressive one at that, ready to erupt any minute from now and pour all its lava and magma to a certain fucking shewolf with jet-black hair. And the crater, my head, it was smoking hot, hotter than the sun and boiling at a thousand degrees.

"SEULGI!" It was a very high-pitched shout from the witch, definitely shocked by this unexpected happening.

And just like that- like a ticking time bomb with only seconds to spare, I exploded. I don't know what came over me- well maybe my wolf, I'm not sure. But the next thing I know, I was beating the shit out of her, punching her like there's no tomorrow.

But of course, wolves are very competitive creatures, they wouldn't go down without a fight. How can I forget that?

The girl that I was straddling threw a punch right on my jaw, sending me stumbling back.

Wow, her punches are no joke.

With both of our claws out, we circle each other, maintaining eye contact as neither of us dared to make the first move.

"Shh... calm down Jendeuk" I heard Irene says as she hugs my mate who looks so vulnerable and fragile at the moment; definitely not the Jennie Kim I knew.

Their sweet moment, however, made my wolf angrier than she already is- she was jealous and I am too. I should be the one hugging her not Irene nor any other woman in this world. Only me.

I glance at Seulgi to see her seething in anger too, also jealous, no doubt. Her orbs were pitch black and fist tight into a ball, ready to kill the girl who's hugging her mate back, or maybe she was killing her already in her mind.

Great. We're both jealous.

As Seulgi lunges towards them, I slam my whole body at her mid-air. We roughly hit the floor- well she did. I landed on top of her, straddling her back. I decided to make it that way, pinning her down with my surprisingly heavyweight and securing her hands firmly with my strong grip.

"Why are you suddenly protecting that monster now?!" She struggles like a fish out of water, jerking her head upwards, trying to hit me with it.

"I- I need my unnie" Jennie brokenly whispers that made my heart clench.

"Look at her! She's nothing like a monster!" I tell her, but mostly to myself.

"Yeah, tell yourself that. Let's all pretend that you didn't call her monster either" My wolf suddenly interjects out of nowhere, irritatingly rolling her eyes at me.

"She's just acting so she could get away from all her sins!" Seulgi manages to painfully elbow my side, causing me to loosen my grip.

"You fucking whore! Get your hands off my mate!" She harshly pushes Jennie aside and yanks her mate into a protective hug, causing me to release a throaty growl.

No one hurts my mate!

So as soon as Irene rushed back to the brunette's side once more leaving her mate, I immediately threw a punch right at her, causing her to furiously lunge at me like the wild animal she is; very hostile.

We kept rolling on the floor, growling, throwing hard kicks and punches at each other, hardly caring about our mates at the moment.

It was just Seulgi, our anger, and I

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