Chapter 7

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Lisa's POV


It is all I could feel. Even after I was given the time to rest, I could still feel how the silver knife punctures deep into my skin, slicing my back and drawing a huge amount of blood.

It made me shiver just every damn time.

My throat was hurting, sore from all the screaming. It is all I could do other than crying.

My mind can't even comprehend anything. It was clouded and foggy, empty and hollow also. No thoughts at all.

Pain, pain, pain.

It is all I could think of. Death maybe and revenge with a little bit of hopelessness and swirling anger. Other than that, it was blank.

Did that made sense?

Chains around my neck and wrist, I lay cramped inside this small kennel with barely enough space for me to fit. My body was covered in bruises and cuts and my lips were bleeding.

She treated me like a ragged doll. It hurts so much that I felt like dying. I couldn't move, not that I can't really move in this cramped space.

It's been days or maybe weeks since the last time she bought me. I'm not sure, I already lost the feeling of time.
After that, she had to go to work. Leaving me locked inside this kennel during her absence and only been able to get out once she got home.

It was lonely and depressing, but at least I get fed here every day. A maid would come and give me a meal a day. Better than being in that horrid cell where I would just mostly sleep, too weak to do anything, looking like a withered vegetable.

Ms. Kim would play with me for a while. And by play, I mean to torture me over and over again until I could no longer bear the pain and pass out.

I would always feel the ache in my body once I finally gain consciousness then I would cry after. That's how I spent my days.

It's been our routine during the weekdays only. But weekends? It's worst than what you can imagine.

And it's a weekday today. Friday, from what I'd heard.

Usually, she should be home more than an hour ago. And usually, I would be asleep now after a bloody beat-up. But there was no sign of her nor could I feel her presence.

A surge of excitement ran through me as each second passes. It was almost midnight, wolfsbane only lasts for twenty-four and Ms. Kim had forgotten to drug me this morning.

Oh Joy!

I heard a silent growl in my head indicating that my wolf is finally waking up after being under constant drugs. With no ms. Kim to drug us this night, I can finally reconnect with my wolf.

Within minutes, I could feel every wound, bruise, and cuts around my body closing up and fading away. Then with my regained wolf strength, I easily pulled out the chains and crush the lock with a hand.

I gave the door a slight push, creaking as it opens. I then crawled out and roamed my eyes around the room. I also can perfectly see in the dark now which made it easy to sneak out without clumsily bumping into things.

I stealthily made my way towards the exit. This small room that humans call the elevator. I quickly entered it once it opened and pressed the lowest button that made the door slide close.

Once I was out, the grand lobby welcomed me. I hastily exited the lobby and was greeted by the cold night breeze. At last, I was free, now all I have to do is to seek shelter before searching for my pack at first light.

But the familiar scent of my kind wafted around my nose. A slight bit of hope arouses as I whip my head from side to side, searching for the owner of the scent.

Two women came into view as I reached the sidewalk. They were both standing side by side as they studied me. I approach them carefully, proving that I am no threat.

"Hold it! Who are you and why are you nearing us?" A woman who doesn't seem like a human nor a wolf spoke.

I roughly pulled the muzzle on me and threw it somewhere before speaking to them. "I bring no harm. I am a werewolf and is after by a crazy human. Please help me"

The woman glance at her companion before nodding. "Very well, we shall help you. But may we know first who is after you?"

"She goes by the name Ms. Kim. Her first name, I have no clue at all"

"Are you perhaps referring to the owner of that building over there?" The woman asks while pointing her finger to the building that I had escaped from.

I nodded "Yes exactly"

"Then you can come with us. I am Irene a witch and this is Seulgi a werewolf like you and is my mate"

I nodded again before a black car pulled up in front of us. We entered the car with Irene at the shotgun seat and Seulgi and I at the back. The drive was silent, no one has uttered a word until I decided to break the silence and ask Seulgi.

"What pack are you from? If you don't mind me asking" I told her but she just glanced at me and did not utter a word.

"Sorry about Seulgi, she is the type of  person to not speak to some she doesn't know." Irene, the witch, intervened

"It's best to rest for a while. I'll wake you up when we get there" she added and I bob my head as a response. I rested my back, slouching in a comfortable way before a yawn had escaped my lips.

Freedom at last.


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