Chapter Twenty Six

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It had been about two months or so of them at school and the torture has only gotten worse. Alex got the worst end of it as she refused to practice torture spells on first year, causing the Carrow siblings to use them on her. Nathan and Neville as well refused too but the Carrows did not lash out on them as bad as they did on Alex. Alex had spent numerous nights in the hospital wing, and Neville had reformed Dumbledore's army, causing everyone to find comfort with one another. Alex had tried writing to Fred, George and Oliver but had not received a response in months, she became worried.

Dean Thomas had also gone missing once they started hunting muggle borns. Alex grew very concerned for him and hoped he was safe. Luna had also gone missing, no one quite knew where she was as it was like she vanished overnight. Nathan grew very concerned for his cousin and wrote to his Uncle, Luna's father, and had gotten no response.

The four Gryffindors still were sharing Nathans dorm and that had helped abit as the Carrows no longer tried to torture Alex through the night.

Alex had now gone months without hearing from Ron, Hermione or Harry but she hoped they were doing okay, she worried for them. The Carrow siblings still did not believe that she had no idea where they were, and they proved that after all the abuse she had endured.

Alex currently sat in potions, looking beaten up and rough when Blaise and Draco joined her.

"Well don't you look great!" Blaise teased her as Draco quickly scanned her bruises and cuts.

"Godric Alex! What happened to you?" Draco questioned as she sighed.

"The Carrows happened." She sighed, resting her head in her hands as Draco and Blaise shared a pointed look.

"Alex, you can't let them do this to you! You have to tell someone, McGonagall? Or just tell them where Potter is." Draco told her as she shook her head.

"McGonagall can't do anything, she's already under a lot of stress. I don't even know where he is and if I did I certainly would not tell any of them." She scowled at the thought of the Carrows.

After all her classes were done, she was walking down the hall and saw the Carrow siblings cornering him with Amycus's wand at his neck.

"Oi! Leave him alone!" Alex quickly ran over, yanking his wand away from Neville's throat.

"Miss.Woods this had nothing to do with you, carry on!" Alecto yelled, pointing her wand at Alex now.

"Leave her alone! Nothing to do with her!" Neville said, defending Alex quickly shoving her behind him.

"Fine Mr.Longbottom, have it your way! Crucio!" Alecto cursed Neville causing him to stumble backwards into Alex before they both fell onto the ground as Alecto and Amycus laughed walking away.

"Neville! Are you okay?" Alex asked, quickly kneeling beside him.

"Im okay." Neville sighed, pulling himself up to lean on the wall.

"You didn't have to take the curse for me! Im kinda used to it now." Alex let out a small chuckle before pointing to the scars on her exposed skin as Neville sighed, closing his eyes in pain.

"I know Alex, I'm sorry." he sighed, "I promised I would protect you and I'm failing."

"No Neville that's not on you! They just take it out on me because I was closest with the three of them." She sighed.

"Oh, I was going to ask you, have you received any letters? I've written my Gran so many times and never got a response." Neville asked her as she shook her head no, quickly standing up so she could help him up.

"No I haven't, you think they're holding all our mails?" She asked him as he nodded his head yes as they made their way to the common room.

They sat on the couch waiting for Nathan and Ginny when Alex sighed, leaning into the couch.

"Are you okay?" Neville quietly asked her as she shut her eyes trying to not let the tears fall out.

"Im fine, I just miss them. I miss Ron." She told him, letting a few more tears fall out.

"I know. I'm sorry this is so hard for you." Neville told her, bringing her in for a side hug as she let a few more tears slip out.

"It'll all be okay Alex. I promise." Neville told her as they continued to sit in silence.


A few more weeks had gone by and Nathan, Neville and Ginny currently sat around Alex who laid unconscious in the hospital bed.

"What even happened?" Neville asked Ginny as she sighed, tears in her eyes.

"Alex and I were walking down the hall and I guess the Carrows were mad about something she did earlier and they hexed her, crucio of course, and it sent her flying down the stairs where she hit her head. Hard. Knocked her unconscious. The Carrows laughed and walked away but Draco actually helped me bring her here. We think they broke her leg and some ribs. Pomfrey is brewing her a potion now." Ginny told them as both boys grimaced.

"We have to get her out of here." Neville sighed as Nathan agreed.

"We need to get out of here too.'' Nathan told them.

"I can't, I have to stay here for Dumbledore's Army." Neville sighed as Ginny nodded agreeing.

"Well I can't leave you two here by yourselves." Nathan exclaimed.

"Yes you can Nathan, you two need to get out of here." Ginny told him as Nathan still sat, unsure.

"I actually have a plan. I'll be back. Nathan, go pack yours and Alex's stuff, Ginny stay with Alex." Neville quickly instructed before leaving the hospital wing, running down to the owlry which was now locked. He quickly used his wand to bust the lock before running in and writing a quick letter.

"Fred & George,

It's Neville writing you, I'm concerned for Alex. The Carrows have been torturing her, she's currently unconscious in the hospital wing. Nathan and her need to leave and I thought you guys could help us. We are not able to receive any incoming letters but please meet us at Hogs head in one hour. Emergency.


He quickly wrapped it on an owls leg and set it free to deliver the letter before running back to the hospital wing to see Nathan holding two duffel bags.

"Pomfrey reset her ribs so she is fine but her leg has to stay in the cast for a few days to mend, her head is fine too." Ginny quickly told them.

"Okay, we need to go now!" Neville instructed as Nathan quickly hugged ginny goodbye before Neville scooped Alex up in his arms bridal style before they quickly ran to the room of requirement where they had formed a secret tunnel.

"Ginny, you stay here and guard the tunnel." Neville told her to which she quickly nodded.

"What do we do when we get to the other end? Will we be captured?" Nathan asked, confused.

"Just wait and see, I have some friends hopefully waiting for you." Neville told them as they started making their way to Hogs head through the tunnel. They soon made it through, Alex still laid unconscious.

They excited the tunnel to see Fred and George nervously pacing.

"Oh my god! What happened to her?" Fred cried out, quickly taking Alex from Nevilles arms as George greeted Nathan and Neville.

"The Carrows. Look, you all need to get out of here quickly, go into hiding. They're going to be looking for you to Fred and George, all four of you need to be hidden" Neville instructed as they nodded.

"Neville, thank you so much man. We wouldn't have gotten through these past few months without you." Nathan grinned at the boy, bringing him in for a quick hug before Neville disappeared back down the tunnel.

"Take care of Ginny for us!" George called after him as Neville gave him a small smile and a thumbs up before turning back down the tunnel.

"Where are we going to go?" Nathan asked as George quickly grabbed Nathan's arm as the twins both disapperated saying, 'Shell Cottage!'

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