~Chapter Nineteen~

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After a lively dinner where the girls talked with Nathan to try and get to know him better and the boys very rudely pretending he doesn't exist, before they were all heading back to the common room. Nathan had already left as he was in Professor McGonagall's office figuring out his timetable. 

"Well, we're in luck, huh Alex? Nathans pretty attractive and it seems like he could be into you." Hermione teased Alex before shooting an amused look towards the grumbling boys.

"You boys are shit out of luck if he does take a liking to Alex." Ginny teased them, causing Ron to lightly shove her.

"Shove off Ginny." Fred mumbled at her as she and George laughed at him.

They soon made their way up into the common room, all sat around the room chatting when Neville entered.

"Hey guys, McGonagall is requesting you in her office, Alex." He said to her before making his way over to where Dean and Seamus sat.

"Oh alright, thanks Neville. I'll see you guys later." Alex told them, walking out of the common room and to where her office was, lightly knocking on the door.

"Come in dear!" She heard the Professor call out.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me?" Alex asked, stepping into the office to see Professor McGonagall and Nathan sat there.

"Yes, yes I did. Take a seat please." The Professor said, gesturing to the empty seat as Alex did what she was told. 

"Miss.Wood's, nice to see you again. I hope you had a great summer. I heard about your brother, I am sure you are proud." Professor McGonagall spoke to her with a smile etched on her face.

"You as well Professor. Yes, it was pretty good. I am very proud of him. I always knew he would do great things..." Alex trailed off, just wanting to know why she was here.

"Very well then, on to why you are here. I was wondering if you could be a peer mentor to Mr.Lovegood here, helping him with his classes to catch up, showing him around the castle, and being a friend while he transitions to the adjustment that is Hogwarts. It does come with extra credit if you are interested..." She asked as Alex nodded her head.

"Of course! I would be delighted too." Alex politely told the Professor. 

"Thank you, Alexandra, have a good night, both of you." Professor McGonagall said, dismissing them both as Nathan stood up and opened the door for Alex as they both walked out.

It was only then did Alex realize how much taller he truly was, towering over her 5'2 frame. She thought he had to be around the twin's height, maybe even taller.

"So, Alex is it?" Nathan said, trying to make small talk as they stood in the empty hallway.

"Yep, and you are Nathan, Lunas cousin." Alex spoke as he nodded, the awkwardness between the two becoming very clear.

"So, we seem to be pretty shut at small talk, hm?" Nathan smirked at her as she nodded and laughed.

"So, what's the deal between you and the guys you were sitting with earlier? Any of them your boyfriend?" He asked as she shook her head.

"No, they are not. They were jealous though." She hummed as he sent her a questioning look. 

"Jealous? Jealous of what?" He asked.

"Well keep this between you and me but they are jealous of you. Long story short, I have a complicated past with some of them as they confessed their feelings for me and I guess you made them feel threatened. My friend Hermione, kept teasing them saying she thought you were into me." She said with a slight sigh, looking away from his gaze.

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