~Chapter Nine~

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The next morning, Alex woke up in Ron's bed, thoroughly enjoying being in his arms. Alex turned around so she was facing him in bed. She let out a happy sigh, cuddling even closer to him. At this moment, Alex was able to realize she was developing feelings for Ron. It wasn't just a small school girl crush, she had serious feelings for him.

Ron soon opened his eyes, sitting up in bed. Alex quickly climbed over him, slipping out of bed before putting one of Ron's sweaters on and bidding him a quick goodbye, quickly walking to her own room, leaving Ron confused with her sudden exit. 

She entered her room, jumping on Hermione's bed feeling giddy at her sudden realization. Hermione tiredly sat up in her bed, shooting Alex a glare.

"Why the bloody hell did you just wake me up?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione, I realized I like Ron. Just this morning I realized I truly did have feelings for him." Alex explained to her as Hermione shot her a smile, truly happy for her friend.

"That's so exciting! I was wondering when you would realize who you had feelings for!" Hermione cheered to her friend.


A few weeks had gone by and Alex and Ron were on cloud nine. They acted like a couple without ever putting the official label on it as they didn't think it was necessary. They kissed, cuddled, flirted, and did everything a couple would do together, Alex even spending most nights sleeping in his bed.  Thing's were going very well for them.

Fred had respectfully backed off as he was happy for his brother and Alex, only ever wanting her to be happy. Fred stayed as just a very good friend and brother. Harry, however, was mad at the whole situation. He was pissed off that Alex chose Ron over him. 

Alex currently sat between Ron's legs, leaning against his chest as they sat under the tree by the lake. The two sat talking about their classes and how Snape had cursed at Ron earlier in the day as Alex had found it very amusing, Ron not so much. They sat and talked about life in general for ages.

It was the beginning of December and it was quite chilly outside but not quite snowing yet. Alex had agreed to hang out with Draco that night as she hasn't spent any time with him this semester but she really didn't want to leave the comfort of Ron's arms. 

"Can't you just cancel on him? We are so comfy..." Ron groaned into her neck causing her to let out a giggle but shake her head no.

"Ron I can't! He asked me to hang out days ago and he is my friend. I will see you later my love." Alex told him, turning around so she could give him a quick kiss before standing up and walking towards the castle. Draco had told her to meet him in the courtyard.

Once she got there, she spotted the familiar blonde sitting on a bench and made her way over to him.

"Hello Draco" She greeted the blonde, taking a seat next to him.

"Hello Alex, how have you been?" He smiled at her.

"I've been pretty good lately, again, I'm sorry for my freakout at the party." Alex told him, sighing.

"Don't apologize, love, you didn't do anything wrong. Pansy shouldn't have said what she said." Draco brushed her thought off.

"So, tell me what's been going on in that blonde head of yours lately." Alex told him, and he did just that. 

"Oh god, you don't even want to know what's going on up here." Draco joked, pointing to his head as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Come on Draco, tell me all about it. How's your asshole of a Father?" Alex asked him, having a huge dislike for Mr.Malfoy.

The two continued to talk for hours, discussing his life in general, how much he hated his Father for the position he put his family in, how Pansy is obsessed with him, even after he has told her he doesn't see her like that and Pansy not caring and continuing to pine after him. The conversation shifted to her relationship with Ron and Draco was surprisingly supportive.

"Well, Alex as long as he treats you good as I just want you to be happy. If he messes up please let me know as I would love to go ahead and kick his ass." Draco joked as Alex playfully rolled her eyes.

"Well thank you Draco, I will keep it in mind." Alex told him with a giggle. The conversation soon shifted into how classes were kicking both of their asses, especially with this being their OWL year. Almost four hours later, Alex decided she was getting tired and she should head up to her room to finish her homework.

"I think I should head up to my room now Draco. Thank you for hanging out with me, I had a lot of fun and it was nice to catch up. We should do this more often." Alex told him, offering him a smile as she stood.

"We should. I had a lot of fun and it was nice to talk things through. I am glad you are doing good after everything. Thank you for being such a good friend to me." Draco thanked her, standing up and giving her a large smile before she turned and made her way up to her common room. She entered her room, pleading with Hermione to help her with her homework as she had fallen behind in some of her classes which Hermione of course agreed to do also asking her how it went with Draco.

Meanwhile, Ron sat in his room joined with Harry, Neville, and Dean as Ron told them all how it was going with Alex.

"I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life. The feeling I get with her is just indescribable." Ron happily sighed like a love-sick puppy.

"That's so good Ron. I am glad you two have each other." Neville smiled at him, causing Harry to let out a not-so-subtle eye roll.

 "Stop bragging about it, would you mate? It's getting very bloody annoying." Harry snapped at his best friend, causing Dean and Neville to share a look of worry.

"Oh piss off Harry. You don't have to be so jealous that Alex wants to be with me and not you." Ron angrily spat at him, angering Harry so much he quickly charged at the redhead. Ron and Harry quickly started wrestling around on the ground before Dean and Neville separated their fight.

"Screw you! I'm going to Alex's room." Ron yelled at the boy before angrily barging up and into  Alex and Hermione's room, quickly filling them in on what just happened.  

"Ron, why would you even say that to him?" Hermione scolded the redhead.

"He was being a git! I don't want to talk about it anymore." Ron quickly shut the conversation from furthering down, sighing as he laid down in Alex's bed, watching the girls as they continued to do their homework. The three of them did this for hours, the girls working through their homework as Ron chatted to them. It was soon time for bed and Alex climbed into her bed with Ron before the two drifted into asleep.

On the other side of the castle, Draco laid in his bed staring up at the ceiling. He felt worried. He was worried for Alex and her connections to the dark lord and what that would cause in the future. He was worried for his mother, who was being dragged into Voldemort's cult due to his stupid Father. Lastly, Draco was worried for himself. He knew that one day his father would drag him in to be a death eater against his will. He was terrified he would be forced to go after Alex as it was very clear that Voldemort wanted her for her power and legacy and the dark lord did not care if he had to force her onto his side or not. Draco did not want to be put in a situation where he felt like he was choosing over his sanity, his Mothers safety, or even Alex's. He didn't care as much about his own safety but those two were very important to him as they were the only ones to ever show him true unconditional love and care.

He went to bed that night, having nightmare after nightmare about what his future was to come for him. He felt completely and utterly alone. Alex had Ron and he had no one. The only difference was that Draco was used to being alone and that thought didn't scare him anymore.

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