Alex slowly woke up feeling a pain in her ribs when she took a deep breathe in and a pain in her leg. She groaned as she had a pounding headache and she sat up in bed, to see a cast around her leg. She slowly looked around the room she was in to see she was no longer in Hogwarts, but still unsure where she was. She saw a crutch leaning against the wall and quickly stood up, putting all her weight on her non-hurt leg and quickly put the one crutch underneath the one arm. She hobbled out of the room to see she was in a cute and quaint cottage. She went to where she assumed the living room was to see Bill Weasley and his wife Fleur as well as Nathan and the twins.
"Alex! 'Ou are 'wake!" Fleur spoke to her, quickly walking towards her and bringing her in for a hug.
"Hi Fleur, where are we?" She asked her.
"Welcome to Shell cottage." Bill smiled at her.
"Come sit come sit!" Fleur spoke in her thick accent gesturing to the couch where Alex hobbled over to, quickly sitting down.
"What are we doing here?" She asked Nathan.
"Uhm well, the Carrows really messed you up, broke your leg and some ribs and Neville, Ginny and I thought it was time to break out. I didn't want to leave them, but Neville insisted on them being fine and me coming with you. I dunno what Neville did but he set it up with Fred and George for them to meet us, then we came here." Nathan explained as Alex slowly nodded her head.
"Yeah you've been asleep for two days, it's been bloody boring!" George exclaimed causing Alex to giggle.
"So why are you two hiding out too?" She asked the twins.
"Instructions from the order, for safety I guess. Also because we have our awesome radio show that we need to focus on." Fred told her as she nodded.
"Well your house is adorable Bill and Fleur." Alex told them as Fleur grinned back at her.
"Thank 'ou! We are so happy to have guests over!" She smiled at them.
They then heard the sound of someone apparating in and Bill quickly ran outside, wand up, to investigate.
He soon came in with Oliver and Rachel and Alex quickly smiled and stood up before almost falling over due to her leg but Oliver quickly brought her in for a hug.
"Ollie!" She exclaimed, bringing him in for a closer hug.
"Oh god Alex I was so worried about you! I wrote to you so many times without any response! Are you okay?" Oliver quickly spluttered out as Alex lightly rolled her eyes at his overprotectiveness.
"Yes Ollie Im fine, I didn't get any of your letters as they blocked the owls from delivering. How are you? I've missed you both!" Alex smiled at him before bringing Rachel in for a hug as well.
"We have been good, we've all been instructed to go into hiding as the order has been under fire but besides that nothing. Haven't been able to play quidditch though." Oliver grumbled as the twins laughed.
"Ah, Oliver Wood, the main concern is always quidditch!" Fred laughed at him as Oliver, Fred, Nathan, George and Bill started discussing quidditch meanwhile Rachel made her way over to Fleur and Alex, quickly sitting with them.
"So Alex, how's the love life going?" Rachel grinned at her as Alex let out a small sigh.
"Not good, I was kinda-ish with Ron then he left so." Alex sighed as Rachel and Fleur shared a look.
"I'm sorry to 'ear that Alex." Fleur told the girl as she slowly nodded.
"I am too. How's the new flat Rachel?" Alex quickly changed the subject.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanficAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...