The five teens all sat in the kitchen once again, with paperwork everywhere.
"This is so much more stressful than Hogwarts. I don't know what I want to 'major' in." Ron sighed.
"Well I am going to major in being a professor." Harry spoke up, filling out his paperwork.
"Thats cool, what subject?" Nathan asked.
"Probably defence against the dark arts." Harry shrugged.
"I think i'll major in being a healer." Nathan said.
"You better, you are so good at it!" Alex exclaimed at him as he gave out a small nod.
"Is he? I've never seen you heal anything, I mean no offence, just curious." Hermione asked to which Alex quickly responded before Nathan even could.
"He healed my hand back when Umbridge was around in like two seconds. He's amazing." Alex gushed as Nathan had a small blush on his face.
"Well i'm majoring in Magical creatures, hoping to get into the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures." Hermione told them.
"Yeah Hermione! You take care of those creatures!"" Alex happily told her friend as Hermione let out a chuckle.
"I think i'm going to be an Auror." Ron decided, nodding before writing his information down on the sheets.
"I'm not sure what to do." Alex groaned.
"Well you were good at potions, even beat Hermione in grades." Harry teased.
"I beat Draco too." Alex teasingly said.
"Yeah yeah we get it miss.smartypants. Why not study potions?" Ron suggested.
"Yeah, i'll try it." Alex nodded, filling out her own paperwork.
"Mum! Why do they get to go but I don't?" Ginny whined as everyone stood in the living room at the burrow.
"Because my sweet Ginny, you actually get to complete your seventh year at Hogwarts." Molly said, rolling her eyes.
"Ginny, if it makes you feel better we don't get to go either." George said as Ginny just rolled her eyes and quickly sat down.
"Well then, you lot better get going then." Molly sighed before giving the five teens a hug.
Harry stepped into the fireplace first before speaking 'Alcheima Academy'. The four other teenagers quickly followed. Once Alex got through, she stepped out of the fireplace looking at the giant building in front of her, seeing some familiar faces and unfortunately a lot of unfamiliar ones.
"Are you nervous?" Hermione asked her, quickly linking her arm in Alex's.
"Abit, yeah. You?" She asked, as Hermione nodded.
"Well don't worry ladies, you have us!" Nathan said, barging his way between them, wrapping an arm around each girl.
"Lets go get our dorm selections, yeah?"
"Alright everyone, welcome. I am your Headmaster, Mrs. Forrestier. How we will be dividing you students are from your old schools. Oh! Before I forget, it is students from Hogwarts, Beauxbaton, Durmstrang and a school from overseas, the American wizarding school known as 'Ilvermorny'. All Hogwarts alumni will be in tower one, all Beauxbaton students in tower two, Durmstrang in tower three and Ilvermorny in tower four. Head there please. Once you get there, you will see a listing of all roommates. In your assigned rooms, you will find your schedule and map. Each house also has one teacher's assistant. You will find them in your tower's common room. Dismissed." Headmaster Forrestier said. Alex looked at the new Headmaster, taking in her appearance. She was a middle aged lady, probably around 40, with short black hair in a bob and a slender body. She looked very kind.
"Ohhh Americans." Nathan said in a teasing manner as the five headed up to tower one. They walked in the door to see a beautiful large what looked like a common room. There were a few large couches and chairs scattered around with large windows, a fireplace, some tables and chairs, bookcases filled with books and even a large stereo system, it looked awesome.
"Woah, this is so much better than Hogwarts!" Ron exclaimed as everyone nodded agreeing.
Alex started looking around to see other people from Hogwarts trailing in.
"Neville! How have you been man?" Nathan said, quickly making his way over causing Alex to giggle at their bromance.
Luna soon made her way over to Alex and Hermione, getting into a quick conversation as a head of blonde hair caught her attention.
"Excuse me...." Alex said to the girls before quickly running over to Draco, giving him a quick and sudden hug.
"Alex! How have you been?" Draco asked, giving her a bright smile.
"Ive been okay, you look great Draco, finally looking healthy." Alex smiled at him as Draco did a quick nod.
"Yeah, finally not going through hell at Malfoy Manor." He nodded at her.
"Yeah, how did that go this summer?" She asked him, "Sorry I wasn't there for you more, I was dealing with a lot..."
"Alex, you lost your brother, it's okay. And both my parents got sent to Azkaban, it didn't feel right staying at the manor. I've been staying with Blaise, it's been nice." Draco nodded.
"I'll see you later, yeah? Tell Blaise I say hello." She nodded at him before walking over to her friends as the teachers assistant walked in. He was a very attractive young male, probably around 22 or 23, blonde hair and just super attractive. Alex noticed how many girls swooned over him. Obviously Ron noticed this too as he grabbed Alex's waist, bringing her closer. Alex let out a small laugh at his jealousy.
"Alright, well, hello everyone! My name's Thomas but feel free to call me Tom. I'm going to read off the roommate assignments now. In the female dorms, we start off with:
Pansy Parkinson, Lavender Brown, Millicent Bulstrode in room 101,
Alexandra Wood, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood in room 102,
Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Hannah Abbott..." Tom spoke, reading all the names as Alex quickly tuned out before excitingly turned to the girls, excited they were sharing a room together.
"I can't believe they put Lavender with Pansy! That's a laugh." Alex said as the girls giggled.
"Alright, now for the boys dorms.
Nathaniel Lovegood, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley in room 201,
Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnagin in room 202,
Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott in room 203..."
"Aww you don't get to be with your bromance." Alex teased Nathan as he rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, you're lucky you get to be with your girlfriend." Nathan said rolling his eyes as Hermione dramatically wrapped her arms around Alex, "And isn't she so lovely." Hermione said, giggling.
"Hermione, can you stop trying to steal my girlfriend for just a bit?" Ron sighed playfully as Hermione reluctantly let Alex go as Ron pulled her over again.
"Sickening they are." Nathan giggled at them.
"Everyone head up now for your schedules which will be found in your rooms." Tom told them all, the girls quickly said bye to the boys before going to their room.
"Wow, what a step up from Hogwarts." Alex said, admiring the room which was filled with double beds, large dressers, a huge mirror, long desks and even a bookcase with their own private washroom.
"Woah! Look at this view!" Luna said, looking out the window that displayed the scenery beautifully.
"I mean, I don't think i'm going to miss Hogwarts anytime soon." Hermione giggled, looking out the window as a bunch of hot boys came from the American tower.
"Hermione, you little player! I love it!" Alex giggled as the three girls quickly grabbed their schedules.
(A/N: Im so excited for this chapter in their lives! Please don't forget to like and comment!)

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanficAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...