After the fight with Ron and arguing with her friends, Alex wandered the school's nature scene for hours before Alex found herself knocking on Cole's dorm room door, tears in her eyes.
"Alex?" Isaac sleepily said, opening the door.
"Hi, is Cole here?" She asked in almost a whisper.
"No, he has detention. Come in." Isaac said, opening the door wider for her.
"Sorry that I woke you." She murmured to him as he shook his head with a small smile.
"It's okay, what's wrong?" He asked.
"I don't really want to talk about it right now, sorry." She sheepishly said.
"All good, it's actually good that you woke me up or I would have missed practice, here you can rest in Coles bed, he will be back soon." Isaac quickly said before exiting the room. Alex sighed before plopping down until Coles bed before eventually passing out.
(TW: Sexual assault, if you are not comfortable with reading this, please dont! I will put three *** when it's done)
Alex suddenly woke up to a guy she hasn't seen before, leaning over top of her, sitting partially on the bed.
"What? What are you doing?" Alex said as this guy held down her arms so she couldn't move.
"No no, I think I get to ask the questions, I actually live in this dorm, you are?" He smirked at the small girl beneath him as she started freaking out.
"Alex." She told him, barely above a whisper.
"Oh, Coles girl huh?" He smirked as he put both of her hands above her head and held them down with one firm hand as he used his other hand to trail over her body.
"Stop! What are you doing? Get off!" She yelled at him, thrashing about.
"Stop! You don't want to see me get angry, now shut up! You come into my room and get cranky!" He yelled back at her, raising his hand and striking her across the face as she cried out in pain.
He used his one free hand again to trail down her body before flipping her skirt up and sticking his hand into her panties, touching her as she screamed out, 'Stop!'
He used his hand and smacked her across the face again, "I said shut up whore!" Alex let out a whimper as he then undressed his lower half, shoving his dick into her face. "Suck, now, or, I'll crucio you!" he smirked, grabbing his wand and pointing it at her, she whimpered but shook her head no as he cast the curse at her. She screamed out in pain as he used this to his advantage and quickly turned her over so she was on her stomach and flipped her skirt up again, this time using his fingers to insert her, which she again screamed out, screaming No! Stop! But he kept going, again cursing her with the crucio curse.
Alex whimpered as he continued touching her in places she did not want him too before he briefly let go of her hands and she was able to grab her wand, stupefying him away as she stood and quickly ran out of the room, sobbing and an absolute mess. She ran down the hall when she heard her name being called, she turned around, terrified to see who it was but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was Draco.
"Alex? What's wrong?" He asked her, quickly running over to where she was.
"Draco.." She quietly said as she cried into his chest. "We need to go, he cant find me!"
"Who? Okay let's go up to my room okay?" He asked before quickly grabbing her hand and leading her up to his room, thankfully no one was in the common room.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
ФанфикAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...