~Chapter Fourteen~

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Today was the day the students would be returning home for Christmas break and she was not excited to go. Alex had tried backing out, would have rather stayed at Hogwarts because she found it too awkward to be around Harry and Ron both as they were not on good terms with each other but the twins convinced her to go.

Hermione and Alex were in their rooms, packing their bags in quiet sadness.

"Hermione do you have to go home? Why can't you just go to the burrow with me? I'll miss you too much." Alex sighed out.

"I really want too but I do miss my parents. I'm sorry." Hermione frowned, giving her friend a big hug.

Moments later, George had knocked on the door, letting them know they had to leave now to go catch the train.

The girls got their bags ready and made their way down the stairs, giving all the students who were staying at Hogwarts over the break a quick 'Merry Christmas' and 'Goodbye' before heading down to the train station.

Everyone was loading their bags onto the train when Draco came running down the platform, calling after Alex.

"You guys go get a compartment, I'll meet you." She smiled at her friends before turning to Draco.

"Merry Christmas Draco, Ill miss you over break." She told the blonde as he stopped in front of her. He didn't mutter out a single word before lightly grabbing her face as he leaned down to kiss her. She reacted quickly to the kiss before he pulled back.

"I've been waiting to do that. Merry Christmas Alex." Draco quietly told her with a small smile before turning and running towards the Slytherin compartments, quickly boarding and leaving the girl stunned.

The train made the final call sound and Alex quickly ran on the train, easily finding her friends in the loudest compartment.

She walked in and took a quick seat beside Ginny and Hermione.

"Draco just kissed me..." She slowly told her friends, still too shocked to fully process what just happened.

"Draco Malfoy kissed you!?" Hermione shrieked out, causing Alex to slowly nod.

"Well boys, looks like you have got some competition." George teased with a laugh as the other boys groaned and the girls giggled.

"I'm excited for you to come to Christmas, Alex. It's nice to have another girl." Ginny smiled at her while Alex agreed.

Shortly after, they arrived at the station where Molly would meet them. The kids quickly grabbed their bags and got off the train, Alex's eyes quickly finding Oliver and Rachel. She quickly ran over to them, quickly hugging them both goodbye, and wished them a 'Merry Christmas' before walking back over to the Weasley clan.

"Alex dear! So nice to see you again!" Molly greeted her, bringing her in for a motherly hug.

"Hi Molly, thank you for letting me come to Christmas." Alex thanked her.

"Of course dearie! The more the merrier. Lovely to see you again Hermione, tell your parents Merry Christmas for me." Molly smiled at the two girls before starting to get her family back to their family car as Alex was last to say goodbye to Hermione.

"I'm going to miss you so much, even if it's only two weeks." Alex sighed, bringing Hermione in for a hug as Hermione quickly reacted, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl.

"I'll miss you to my love, make sure you write to me." Hermione said as Alex quickly agreed, giving each other one last squeeze before Hermione went to meet her parents and Alex to find the Weasleys in the parking lot.

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