~Chapter Thirteen~

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Alex and Hermione were woken up the next morning with banging on their door. The two quickly got up, confused with their surroundings as they must have fallen asleep in Alex's bed. 

"Hello? Come in?" Hermione called out as they both stood up. Ginny quickly walked into their dorm.

"Rons in the hospital wing. He has been poisoned." Ginny told them before exiting the dorm, Hermione and Alex both following.  The three girls ran down the halls before bursting into the hospital wing to see Harry standing on the left of Ron's bed and a few professors scattered the room, quietly discussing something. 

Alex quickly ran to the right of Ron's bed, taking a seat in the chair before gently grabbing his hand. Hermione came and stood next to her, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze of comfort. 

"What happened to him?" Hermione gasped at the sickly-looking ginger in front of her.

"He drank a potion with poison in it. Slughorn had been cursed into giving it to Dumbledore." Harry explained, not daring to make eye contact with Alex.

"Oh my god, Ron..." Alex sighed, giving his hand a squeeze.

Soon the twins had run into the room, huffing out of breath. 

"Is he okay?" George quickly asked as Ginny nodded. "He's much better now. We are just waiting for him to wake up."

Not long after, the door once again had burst open and Lavender ran in. 

"Oh, won-won!" She cried out before dramatically falling onto his bed as Ginny, Alex and Hermione all rolled their eyes.

"What is she doing here?" Lavender asked while eyeing Alexs hand holding on to Rons.

"Oh, here we go." George said with a small eye roll as both twins sat on the bed next to Rons.

"What is she doing here? You daft bimbo! She's his well-his friend!" Hermione yelled at Lavender, defending Alex.

"She is not his friend! I forbid it!" Lavender cried out as Ron started to stir in his bed. "See, he can sense my presence."

"Allllllleeeeee........." Ron stammered out causing Lavender to let out a loud whimper.

"Oh yeah, because you practically drugging him every day just so he would like you makes you a great girlfriend, right 'Lav-Lav'?" Ginny taunted as her older brothers let out a small laugh.

"Oh yes, speaking of that, please come with me, Miss.Brown." Professor McGonagall spoke, leading the crying girl out of the room.

"Serves that wench right." George spoke as both he and Fred nodded.

Alex drew her attention back to Ron before speaking, "She drugged him?" Alex angrily spoke as Ginny nodded in response.

"I thought you already knew that. Harry took him to see Slughorn-" Ginny trailed off before Harry quickly stood up.

"Alex, can I speak with you for a moment?" He asked as she let out an irritated nod but nonetheless followed him into the hall. What they didn't know was that Fred and George were on the other side of the door, eavesdropping.

"I think we need to talk about last night..." Harry trailed off as she nodded.

"Yeah... we do." Alex sighed, awkwardly shifting on her heels.

"Well, I really enjoyed myself..." Harry started with a small smirk on his face.

"Harry, are you kidding me? Stop. I mean I thought I did enjoy last night but now is not the time to start talking about our hookup! Ron was poisoned, I need to focus on him right now. I also can not believe you! How did you not think to tell me Ron was drugged before we hooked up!" Alex yelled at him.

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