~Chapter Seven~

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The next thing Alex knew, she was waking up in the hospital wing, gasping for air. She sat up to see Hermione, Oliver, and George all sitting there, talking quietly with one another. They all looked over at her when they heard her movements, rushing over to her side. 

"How are you feeling Alex?" George softly asked her.

"Please tell me this is all one sick dream and Cedric isn't actually dead." Alex whimpered out, all the memories of the two of them in the graveyard rushing back.

"Alex, I am so sorry." Oliver softly spoke, bringing his sister closer to his chest, letting her cry.

"Alex... what happened?" Hermione carefully asked. 

"When we touched the trophy, it brought us to a graveyard. Voldemort was there and tried to recruit me after telling me one of his followers killed Mum because she wouldn't join him. Then, he killed Cedric. Cedric was only trying to protect me and now he is dead. This is all my fault!" Alex sobbed out, Oliver rubbing her back in comfort.

"This isn't your fault..." Hermione told her, trying to soothe her as she grabbed Alex's hand in comfort. 

"Are you okay Alex? Did they hurt you?" Oliver asked her, trying to observe her for physical injuries.

"One of his followers, I think he called her Bellatrix, cast the cruciatus curse at me multiple times." Alex quietly told them, slightly lifting the side of her shirt to show the veiny mark that had grown on her ribcage. George and Hermione gasped at the wound as Oliver couldn't even bring himself to look at it, feeling guilty. He had failed as an older brother. 

Madame Pomfrey quickly came over to the side of Alex's bed, beginning to fuss over her and giving her a few potions to help ease the pain. They tasted disgusting but nonetheless did soothe her pain.

Shortly after, Oliver bid his sister goodbye and that he would see her later as he had business he had to handle elsewhere, including writing to their Dad to tell him that Alex was okay and left as Hermione climbed into the bed with Alex, cuddling up beside her soothing Alexs anxious feeling.

Suddenly, Ron had burst through the doors and quickly made his way over to Alex, engulfing her in a big hug, sighing a breath of relief into her neck.

"Alex I was so worried for you." Rom mumbled out, giving her a kiss on the forehead before taking a seat next to George as Harry and Fred also entered the hospital wing, both bringing Alex in for a hug. The group then sat around Alex's bed, trying to take her mind off of the traumatic events that just happened to her hours before. They chatted with one another, just enjoying each other's company as Alex tried to block out something that would always haunt her. 


The next day rolled around and all Alex could feel was numb. Hermione was coddling her in helping her get ready before they would head down to the great hall to hear Dumbledore speak on Cedric's death. Alex didn't feel ready to accept that. To actually accept that he was gone but she let Hermione pull her into the great hall, where everyone seemed to stare.

Alex took a seat next to Ron, keeping her head down as Dumbledore started speaking on Cedric but Alex tuned it out. It was too painful for her to hear. She had her great memories with Cedric and did not need to hear Dumbledore speak on the version he knew.  She didn't need to hear him speak on how someone so dear to her had died as she witnessed it with her own eyes.

She felt Ron put his arm around her, bringing her body closer to his for comfort as her eyes welled with tears. Ron comforted her throughout the entire meal, not even eating as his only focus was on Alex and how she needed him.  Their friends noticed how Ron wasn't eating and thought that was strange for him but understood how his only focus was Alex. 

After the memorial for Cedric finished, Ron led Alex back up to her room. He gave her one last hug before giving her a kiss on the head and leaving the room to give her the space she needed. Alex sat there, numbly, for a few moments before deciding to get ready for bed. 

She got changed and sat in her bed, admiring the view she had from her window, finally letting herself cry. She was in a lot of pain and losing someone is always hard but seeing someone you care about die, even harder.  Not only did she lose Cedric, but she also would never have the closure she needed with him and her unresolved feelings for him. 

She learned more about how her Mother died, filling in little blanks she had about her Mothers tragic death. She let herself cry for a while before Hermione entered the room quickly rushing to the sobbing girl's side. She comforted her, holding Alex close to her.  Hermione let Alex sob in her arms for what felt like hours before she eventually cried herself to sleep.


Weeks had gone by and Alex was starting to cope with the fact that Cedric was gone and would not come back. It was hard for her to adjust but every day that went by seemed to help her.  She missed Cedric a lot but she was managing. She did spend a lot of time alone in her room or her time with Ron which she did not mind either. She had felt like a different person, constantly her mind was working through the trauma and how she needed to get better for the people around her.  She let Ron spend a lot of time with her as she needed the comfort that Ron provided for her.

It was currently Saturday and she decided she would attend her brother's game in support as she hasn't been to a game in weeks. She got ready and made her way to the pitch, finding Hermione easily among the crowd of students. Hermione was shocked to see her but extremely glad Alex had come to a social event as she had been up in her room for way too long. Hermione greeted her with a hug before Alex took the seat next to her. 

"The boys will be so happy to see you." Hermione told Alex, offering her a smile just before the game had started.

The game went on and before they knew it, Harry had caught the snitch making them win the game. The girls cheered in the stands before Hermione pulled Alex and her down onto the grass to congratulate their friends. Alex quickly ran over to Ron, catching him by surprise that she was there but catching her as she jumped into his arms giving him a big hug as he spun her around. 

"Alex, you came all this way just to see me win?" George teased her from behind as Alex turned and nodded at Georges's words, even offering him a small giggle which made him happy.

The Gryffindor team was glad to see that Alex had come to watch as they all greeted her, understanding that she had been going through a really tough time in the past few weeks.  Alex turned to look for her brother when she saw him give a certain Ravenclaw a kiss. She grimaced and quickly looked away but did feel happy her brother had found someone.

"That's how your brother feels with you and the boys." Hermione joked, noticing the look on Alex's face as she turned away from her brother, giving her friend an eye roll as she made her way back over to Ron, wanting to be in his arms or at least near him at all times. He made her feel safe, a feeling she didn't feel often.

Ron and Hermione both had noticed how clingy Alex had been with him and he certainly did not mind, he actually really liked it. She made him feel wanted and loved. Alex ignored the looks Lavender always gave her, as she was starting to feel happy again and all her friends thought it was about time Alex had a genuine smile on her face.

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