Harry, Ron, and Fred had all started to make their way to the Hufflepuff common room as George had declined to go with them as he didn't think it was really any of his business.
Once they arrived, Fred gave a knock on the entrance as a third-year Hufflepuff opened it.
"What do you want?" They asked the group of Gryffindors.
"Can you get Diggory please?" Fred asked him with a slight eye roll as they entered back into the common room. A few moments later, Cedric joined them in the hall as he gave them a confused look.
"Uh, hey guys?" Cedric asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion as Cedric hadn't really spent a lot of time ever talking to the Gryffindors.
"Hey Cedric." Harry nodded at him before Ron started speaking.
"We are going to be upfront Cedric, do you like Alex?" Ron quickly asked him, causing Cedrics face to blush.
"Uh, why are you asking me this?" Cedric asked awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck.
"Just answer us, man!" Fred huffed out.
"I mean, yeah, I wanted to maybe ask her out...why?" Cedric asked the other three.
"Well, the rest of us kind of like her too." Ron mumbled out causing Cedric to whisper an 'Oh shit' under his breath.
"Okay well, we should use bro code then, yeah? We should all make a deal that none of us will pursue her and just keep our friendships the same and then let her decide?" Fred suggested, not wanting to be in competition with his brother and friends the entire year causing the other boys to slowly nod their heads in agreeance.
"So no one makes a move or asks Alex out then?" Harry clarified as all the guys once again nodded.
"No one better bloody tell her either!" Ron huffed out as all the guys shook hands in agreement.
"Although, I don't think I'm the one you guys need to worry about. I saw her and Malfoy today too and I think he has eyes on her." Cedric told the three Gryffindors before bidding them goodnight and re-entering the common room as the boys groaned over another contender for Alex's heart and how George was right.
The three boys moped back up to their rooms as Fred filled George in on their conversation.
A few weeks had gone by and Alex had fully adjusted back in the swing of things at Hogwarts. Her brother was practically running a drill team as he was having as many practices as he could, Alex coming to watch when she could. The first game was two days away, on the upcoming Friday.
Alex had been spending a lot of time between the golden trio, the twins, Cedric, and even Draco every now and then. She loved her friends but she had noticed some of the boys had a shift in attitude recently as some were overly flirty towards her, but in all honesty, she didn't mind the attention as it did help boost her confidence.
Alex and Ron were currently walking down the halls as they had just finished class and had their last period off as a spare. Alex had linked her arm through Ron's as he began talking about different quidditch teams. Alex did love quidditch, but she didn't play it so she didn't fully understand what Ron was really talking about.
The two walked up to the Gryffindor common room so they could get an early start on their homework for the day as they were partners for potions and had to reach chapters one and two while writing about the different potions described in the text.
The two sat on the couch, side by side as she pulled out her textbook and some parchment.
"Ron, I'm tired, will you read it to me?" She begged him as she truly did not want to read two chapters. Ron gave a playful sigh but nodded regardless as she gave him a grin, passing him the textbook as she leaned on his side gently letting him began to read. He read for about an hour before they had finished.
Alex sat up and began to get her parchment, ink, and quill ready and began to write what Ron was now repeating to her so she was able to write it all down. Before they knew it, the two of them had finished their potions homework.
"See Ron, now we are done!" Alex grinned at him as Harry and Hermione entered the room. Hermione made her way over and sat beside Alex as Alex quickly turned so she went from cuddling Ron's side to Hermione's.
"Oh? Now that Hermione's here, fuck me I guess as now you don't want to cuddle me?" Ron teased Alex as she nodded.
"Face it, Ron, she loves me more!" Hermione teased, bringing Alex even closer to her.
The four joked around for a while more before it was quidditch practice and Oliver bounded into the room.
"Weasley, where are your brothers?" Oliver asked, looking stressed.
"I'm not sure, they might already be at the pitch." Ron shrugged.
"Okay well let's go to practice then boys, Alex are you coming?" Oliver asked his sister as she let out a loud sigh.
"Oliver, I'm really tired..." Alex trailed off with a small groan.
"Come on Alex, come watch, please?" Harry pleaded, causing her to sigh and agree.
"Hermione, did you want to come?" Alex asked her as Hermione shook her head no.
"I have some letters I need to respond to as my parents and Victor both wrote. You guys have fun and I will see you later!" Hermione told the girl before making her way up to her room.
Alex followed the boys out to the quidditch pitch to see the twins flying around. Alex waved to them as they flew down so they were on the ground once again.
Everyone started talking with one another as they got ready for practice as Alex started shivering as she realized how cold it was. Fred noticed how cold Alex was and made his way over to her.
"You look frozen Alex, here, take my sweater." Fred told the girl, handing her his red 'F' sweater. She quickly slipped it on, sending him a large smile.
"Thank you, Freddie." She grinned at him before her brother shooed her away and up to the stands. She made her way up to the stands before she started watching the practice.
A few hours of practice later, they all had landed and started packing up when Oliver started yelling at Fred, Ron, and Harry. She chose to stay in the stands as she didn't want to get in between her brother and her friends.
Oliver had called the practice to an end as he realized Fred, George, Ron, and Harry were not taking practice seriously and were using it for their own personal needs and conversations. He overheard them discussing his sister and some deal and now he was just pissed off.
"Everyone can go except the Weasleys and Potter!" Oliver yelled at the team.
"Whats up Oliver?" Ron asked.
"Can you guys stop talking about my sister during practice? It's so bloody annoying and we are here to practice for the cup!" Oliver yelled once again at them as they all looked away, not making eye contact with him as they stood in silence.
"What deal were you guys talking about anyway?" Oliver asked.
"Oh boy, this will be good. Go on boys, tell him!" George laughed as Fred hit him in the chest.
"Oh god..." Ron mumbled.
"Uh, so, a few fine gentlemen here at Hogwarts like your sister, and instead of us all actively pursuing her, we are leaving it up to her to decide." Fred explained.
"Are you guys fucking joking me? First of all, she is my little sister! I don't want to hear about any of you liking her! Second of all, I don't care about your deals or whatever but do not let it interfere with practice again." Oliver spoke just as Alex made her way onto the pitch.
"Hey guys..." Alex cautiously spoke, sensing the tense atmosphere.
"Oh god, I'm so glad I'm graduating this year. Come on Alex." Oliver said before dragging his sister away. Alex watched as the four boys left in the pitch all awkwardly glanced at one another and then at the retreating sibling duo.
"Oliver? Why are you dragging me away?" She giggled at her frustrated brother.
"I don't want to talk about it." He grumpily said, continuing to pull her towards the castle.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanfictionAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...