Today was going to be hell for Alex as it was Cedric's birthday and she couldn't help but think of him. Even though Alex had finally been able to get on with her life and not constantly think about him making her sad all day, today was different. Anyone who saw Alex could tell she was hurting today. She walked with a permanent frown on her face as she roamed the castle. She was walking down the hall when she overheard Pansy and Millicent talking not so quietly about her.
"Like yeah, I get it. Her boyfriend or whatever died but she needs to stop sulking about it! It's bloody annoying." Pansy spoke, not realizing Alex could hear what she was saying.
"Pansy, shut your mouth before I come and shut it for you!" Alex spoke, turning to the girl.
"Wood, keep walking!" Professor Snape told her, walking past them in the hall.
Alex rolled her eyes but turned and kept walking in the hall. As she was walking, she noticed Fred and George scheming on one of the benches.
"What are you boys up to?" She asked, walking towards them.
"We are throwing a party tonight in the common room, make sure you come." George told her, offering her a smile before the twins took off down the hall.
That really pleased Alex to hear there were plans on getting drunk tonight as she definitely needed the distraction. Until then, she was going to sit at the lake and enjoy the view. Cedric had told her that when he was stressed or sad, he would sit by the lake. She was feeling a huge amount of sadness so she thought this would be the perfect thing to do today. She made her way down to the lake, taking a seat leaning against one of the trees as she opened her book and began to read.
A few hours had gone by of Alex just reading her book when Hermione came and sat beside her.
"Hi Hermione..." Alex spoke, offering her friend a small smile.
"I saw you sitting down here alone and I wanted to check on you." Hermione told her, giving her hand a light squeeze.
"I'm okay Hermione, today's just been tough. Today Cedric would have turned sixteen!" Alex told her, smiling sadly at her friend even letting a tear slip from her eye that Hermione quickly wiped away.
"Oh gosh, I am so sorry Alex. I should have realized." Hermione comforted Alex, bringing her closer to her so she was able to give her a side hug.
"It's not your fault, don't worry." Alex sighed, genuinely just enjoying having Hermione's presence there with her.
The girls sat in silence for a while longer, Alex leaning her head on Hermione's shoulder before Alex had asked to be left alone with her thoughts. Hermione nodded, bidding her goodbye before heading back up to the castle.
Hours later, Alex had woken up under the tree, realizing that she had fallen asleep and it had gotten dark out. She packed up her items before heading back up to the castle. When she got there, she headed directly to the common room, giving the password to the portrait before entering and seeing the party the twins told her about before was in full swing.
Alex immediately made her way over to the drinks table, pouring herself a few shots of tequila, ready to numb the sadness she felt inside. She took different shots with different alcohol until she was feeling very drunk. She then turned towards Ron, quickly sauntering over.
Ron was sat on a couch talking to Neville and Alex quickly sprawled across his lap, causing the boys to both laugh at the girl's drunken state.
"Are you having fun Alex?" Neville asked, a slightly teasing tone in his voice.
"I am having so much fun!" Alex drunkenly slurred, making her Scottish accent sound even thicker than usual, burrowing her head into Ron's shoulder as the boys then continued to talk.
Time had gone by of Ron lightly rubbing Alex's back as he spoke to Neville before Alex noticed that three Slytherins had entered the common room. Pansy, Draco and Blaise. The sight of the girl who was only taunting her mere hours ago angered her, causing Alex to stride over to them.
"Absolutely not Pansy. Get the hell out of here!" Alex yelled, causing the Slytherin girl to offer her a small, almost taunting, smirk.
"Why would we leave? This party is open to everyone, is it not?" Pansy asked, a cocky grin across her face.
"Blaise and Draco can stay. You have to go! She has to go, Fred make her leave!" Alex drunkenly spewed out, letting her tears fall down her face as she turned to Fred who stood behind her.
"Alex, what's going on? Why are you crying? Parkinson, what did you do?" Fred barked at the Slytherin, looking between her and Alex.
"Alex is just acting crazy. Put the crazy bitch to bed so we can continue this party." Pansy said, rolling her eyes.
"Come on Pansy..." Blaise trailed off, pissed off at the commotion she was creating.
"Don't call her that Parkinson." Draco barked at her, standing up for the Gryffindor girl.
"Alex, just look at me and tell me what happened." Fred asked, using his hands to turn her body towards his.
"Earlier today she told me to just get over it. That this could be something I could just get over. It's his birthday today and no one seems to care but me..." Alex cried as Fred soon realized she was talking about Cedric before she continued drunkenly blabbering.
"I shouldn't have to get over it. He should be here, alive. Celebrating his sixteenth birthday. It should have been me instead. He died trying to protect me. Fuck, I am such a screw-up. This is all so messed up. He was supposed to be here..." Alex cried out as George made her way over to her, gently grabbing her arms and leading her away from the Slytherins. Fred quickly stepped in, asking Pansy to leave and physically showing her the door before turning the music off as the party was now done in the twin's eyes.
George led her over to a quieter corner of the room, holding her in his arms as she sobbed. Hermione quickly bounded over, giving her friend a comforting hug.
Ron quickly walked over to the crying girl as his heart broke for her. Ron could acknowledge that she did get insanely hotter over the summer but he had known he always had feelings for her, he just couldn't register them properly until they got older. Alex made him feel loved and appreciated in a way he hadn't felt before. She cared for him, even just as friends, more than anyone else. He wanted to be that for her, and he wanted her to feel safe with him.
Ron gently took her from George's arm, letting her sob into his shoulder as the group of friends were the only people left standing in the common room. What felt like hours later but in reality it was only a few minutes, Alex had stopped crying but still stood shaking in Ron's arms.
"I just want to go to bed. I am sorry I ruined your party." Alex quietly told the twins, feeling upset with herself that she let her emotions get the best of her.
"You don't have to apologize love. It was a crappy party anyway. We should all head up to bed anyway." Fred spoke as everyone nodded, heading in different directions to their room so just Ron and Alex were left in the common room.
"Can I sleep with you in your bed tonight?" Alex quietly asked him to which he nodded, grabbing her hand to pull her up to his room before the two climbed into bed, swiftly falling asleep, Alex clinging on to the comfort Ron provided for her.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanfictionAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...