~Chapter Sixteen~

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The rest of Alex's school year went by in a flash with most of the time Hermione pressuring Alex and the boys to study for their OWLs, which they obliged to. Luckily, Alex did amazing in them, happy to have succeeded as highly as she did. Alex was bummed that the end of the year came as fast as it did because it meant that Oliver was graduating and that she wouldn't have her brother around all the time like she was used to. She was happy for him as she knew he would be on to bigger and better things.

Oliver was recruited by a professional quidditch team and he and Rachel were moving into their own little flat sometime in the summer. Alex felt like she was losing a part of her brother and it really upset her. Not only was he leaving Hogwarts, but he was leaving their home, making it even worse for her. Alex and her Dad get along well, but he could be distant and sometimes cold, making the atmosphere off. 

It was now the last day of school and Hermione and Alex were sitting in their room, packing up their last belongings before they left.

"What are your plans for the summer?" Hermione asked as Alex shrugged.

"I will probably go home for a bit to see my Father and soak up the last bit of time with Oli before he leaves." Alex said as Hermione smiled sadly at her, knowing how much it hurt her that her brother was growing up and moving out.

"Yeah, I am sorry about that Alex. How are you with that?" Hermione tried to comfort her.

"I'm okay. It sucks he is leaving but I am so happy for him. He is getting everything he wanted after Hogwarts. He also convinced me to help him move so I got to help out with that, probably drag the twins along with me." Alex started. "After a while I know I won't be able to take it at my house so the Weasleys invited me to join them whenever I wanted in the summer. What about you?"

"I'm just going to catch up with my parents. They really miss me during the school year, they're not used to this, their kid leaving home for ten months. It's hard on them but they want me to be happy. I'll probably go see the Weasleys at some point as well but I don't have anything set in stone." Hermione told her as she nodded.

"That's nice, you know." Alex started as Hermione sent her a questioning glance, "How much your parents love you, it's cute." 

Hermione merely nodded at her friend's words, not quite knowing what to say as she knew parents and the sense of family was a sensitive subject for her.

"You'll write to me, right? Like, tell me what you're up to and what your plans are?" Hermione asked, taking a seat on her bed as she had finished packing.

"Of course I will 'Mione." Alex said with a nod, already starting to feel the separation anxiety from her bestie.

"So, it's been like a year since you found out about the bet, how do you feel?" Hermione asked as Alex shot her a playful look.

"I'm not sure. I feel like I am still where I was last year, totally unsure of who I like." Alex sighed as Hermione gave a slight nod.

"Well they have been pining after you for a few years now, they can keep pining until you decide." Hermione joked as Alex let out a playful sigh while sporting a small smile.

Once the girls were all packed up, they made their way to the common room, awkwardly trying to walk down the stairs with their trunks that were almost as big as them. The twins were quick to spot the petite girl struggling and grabbed it from them as they thanked them for the help.

"So Alex, will it be weird for you next year to not have your brother around?" George asked as she nodded sadly. Hermione was quick to send a glare Georges way knowing how badly this truly upset Alex, not that she would openly tell people that though.

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