Fleur had quickly patched up Alex to where she was healthy again. Hermione helped Alex to the room she used to stay in as everyone else got cleaned up. Alex sat on her bed with a sigh.
"Alex, you okay?" Hermione asked, sitting next to her on the bed.
"'Mione... I need you to be honest with me." Alex lightly whispered as Hermione lightly smiled at Alex's use of the nickname for her.
"Yes Alex?"
"What's going on with you and Ron?" Alex asked as Hermione let out a short sigh.
"Alex, I'm not sure if he told you or not, I bloody hope he did, but he kissed me, while him, Harry and I left the first time. I didn't kiss him back, I couldn't do that to you, or Victor." Hermione quickly told the girl, like word vomit.
"Hermione I know, he told me. Anything else between you guys? I've seen the looks between you both." Alex sighed sadly.
"No Alex, believe me please. He's just my friend as Harry is. Im inlove with Victor." Hermione told the girl as she nodded just as Ron appeared in the doorway, obviously had listened to the previous conversation.
"Hermione, give me and Alex a minute, would ya?" Ron asked her as she nodded, leaving the room as he came in, shutting the door softly behind him.
"Alex, has that been why you've been even more distant? You think somethings going on between Hermione and me?" Ron asked her, sitting beside her.
"Ron you kissed her! What else am I supposed to think? You also, you look at her in a different way, I notice it. The little smiles at one another..." Alex trailed off.
"Well if you think I look at Hermione a certain way, you should see the way I look at you. Also, you're one to talk! I see the way you buddy up with Nathan, or how you both look at eachother. He wouldn't even leave the cellar without you! He's bloody inlove with you! Is he who your going to screw around with next? Harry and I weren't enough for you?" Ron yelled at her, standing up.
"Get out!" She yelled at him, tears brimming in her eyes.
"What?" He asked, turning around.
"GET OUT! NOW!" She yelled at him once again as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. Just as she was starting to forgive him, he had to pull some shit like this. Alex could not believe that Ron had just slut shamed her. She had obviously picked him, she would think he would have let it go by now, considering its been years and her and Harry were just friends. Harry was also with Ginny! None of it made sense to her as Alex let out a strangled sob.
There was a light knock on the door and Alex muffled out a 'Go away!' but the door opened anyway.
"Alex? Are you okay? We saw Ron storm out." She heard George and Fred say, stepping inside the room.
"He just yelled at me because I asked him about Hermione and he basically insinuated that I'm going to whore around with Nathan. Just when I thought him and I could get over everything together, he said this." Alex cried out as the twins sat on either side of her.
"Alex, he is a slimy git for saying that." Fred sighed, patting the girls back lightly.
"But, he's just jealous. He loves you so much, I can tell by the way he looks at you. He's probably just worried about losing you after everything because of the distance you've placed between you both, rightfully so of course. I wouldn't worry about it too much, he will come around. Besides, the better Weasleys will always be here for you!" George grinned at the girl before bringing her in for a side hug as she sniffled but let out a laugh.
Meanwhile, Ron had run outside, slamming all doors behind him. Harry, Hermione and Nathan all sighing at him before Nathan decided to follow him out.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanfictionAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...