~Chapter Ten~

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A few days later once again there was a quidditch match, Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Hermione and Alex were already sitting in the Gryffindor stands, watching as her friends on the team stretched and got ready for the game. The two girls watched as Lavender Brown made her way over to Ron, offering him what looked like sweets and a hug before she walked away. Alex and Hermione thought it was odd but let it go due to the obsession Lavender had with Ron.

Hermione and Alex sat in the stands making idle small talk when Luna Lovegood came and sat beside them wearing a giant lion hat.

"Hi Luna!" Alex greeted the blonde.

"Hello Alex. Hello Hermione. I came to cheer you guys on." Luna told the pair, offering them each a dreamy smile.

"I like your hat, Luna." Hermione told her as Luna thanked her. Luna did look cool, and quirky, in the hat. Only Luna would wear a hat like that but it suited her.

The three girls sat and chatted for a while before the game had started. The Gryffindor team was playing really well even against the Slytherins who were obviously cheating, Gryffindor held the lead. Alex cheered as Oliver had once again blocked a shot just as Harry caught the snitch causing the game to end, Gryffindor once again winning.

Alex and Hermione quickly stood, bidding goodbye to Luna before making their way down to the pitch to see that Ron had already gone to the change room. Alex thought it was weird he didn't wait for her but nonetheless congratulated her friends and brother.

"Where did Ron go?" Ginny asked her causing her to just shrug in response.

"I'm not sure. I guess up to the castle." Alex told her as Ginny nodded, thanking her.

Hermione and Alex waited for the team to get changed before they all made their way up to the castle, soon entering the Gryffindor common room to see a celebratory party had started for the win they just had, Alex watching as people from different houses started trickling in. 

Alex wanted to go find Ron as she walked around the room, greeting different people as she went. She made her way over to Ron, quickly noticing he sat on the couch cuddled up to Lavender.

"Uh, hey guys." Alex greeted them, confused by the situation in front of her.

"Hello Alex. If you don't mind, we are kind of busy here." Lavender rudely told the girl, rolling her eyes. Alex looked over at Ron, expecting Ron to stand up for her and to tell Lavender off, or even to stand up and give her a hug and a kiss but nothing. He sat there and did nothing. Alex scoffed at Ron and walked away.

Alex couldn't help but think that Ron was being a huge jerk right now. She didn't expect Ron to dismiss her like that, especially for someone like Lavender who he had admitted multiple times he didn't really like all that much.

Alex sighed as she went and found the twins, the three of them drinking together before Fred pulled her up to dance with him. The two drunkenly danced around together, Fred twirling her around as the two laughed together. She turned her body towards his so she was grinding her back on his front as they swayed around, laughing together. Soon, George had come over offering Alex a joint which she happily accepted, taking a long drag before passing it over to Fred as he took a long drag as well. 

Alex was mad and she felt like getting a little reckless. She continued to dance with the twins, the three of them passing around the lit joint taking long drags from it when she saw Draco and Blaise walk in. She giddily walked over to them, bringing Draco in for a drunken hug. She stumbled slightly in his arms causing Draco to wrap an arm around her to help her steady herself.

"Want a pick me up Woods?" Blaise asked, holding up a mini ziplock bag with what Alex assumed was coke in it as well as a bong.

"Woah Blaise no-" Draco started as Alex was quick to cut him off.

"I'm okay on the coke Blaise but pass me that!" Alex grinned at him, pointing to the bong in his hand which he quickly did before lining up a line of coke for himself offering some to Draco which he swiftly denied.  She quickly took a hit from the bong before standing up and taking a seat next to Draco on the couch, leaning on his side. 

"How do you feel Woods?" Blaise asked her, sporting a smirk at the intoxicated girl.

"I feel great." She grinned at him.

Across the room, Fred, George, and Harry were all talking. They were discussing Rons sudden change in attitude and how he was acting like an ass. They were worried about Alex and what she was doing with Blaise and Draco as they did not trust them.

Sometime later, Alex was currently dancing on the table, feeling euphoric as she was slightly coming down from her high. Alex was feeling a lot more intoxicated as she stumbled around, causing her to almost fall off the table as Draco reached out to quickly catch her. Draco had practically dragged Alex over to some of the Gryffindor boys as she could barely stand.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" George asked Draco, gently taking her from the blonde's arms, supporting her weight as he held her against his chest.

"Her and Zabini got really high. I think Blaise might have laced the weed with something. She smoked a lot more than she should of for her small frame. I thought you would want to know." Draco awkwardly told them before walking back over to the other Slytherins.

"Oh god, what the hell Alex? You got cross-faded. You are in for one hell of a night." Fred told the giggly girl. She turned in George's arms and started swaying with him, trying to get him to dance with her.

"Come on George, dance with me!" Alex begged.

"Alex, you can barely stand straight." George laughed, sitting on a couch behind her where she then went and plopped beside him.

"George, you are like Fred but not at the same time, ya know?" Alex laughed to him, causing both twins to let out a chuckle.

"Come on Alex, Ill dance with you!" Fred laughed, grabbing her hand to pull her up. Alex and Fred danced for what felt like hours. She felt like she was on top of the world and in that moment, she didn't care about Ron or Lavender, instead, she enjoyed her time dancing with Fred and hanging out with her friends, knowing there would be a lecture tomorrow from Hermione for getting so messed up.

The last thing Alex remembered was dancing with Fred, turning her head to see Lavender straddling Ron as they made out. All Alex could think of was, what the absolute fuck was going on.

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