The Weasleys, Alex, Hermione, Nathan and Harry all sat at the burrow in silence after returning from Hogwarts.
"So, what happens now?" Harry huffed out.
"I'm not sure." Hermione spoke.
"Woah, did I hear that right? Hermione Granger doesn't know something?" Fred teased her as they all let out a small chuckle.
"Well, we're exhausted, we're going to go rest. You are all more than welcome to stay here." Molly spoke to them as Arthur and her head upstairs.
"I should probably do something for Oliver and Rachel..." Alex trailed off.
"You don't have to rush and do anything Alex." Nathan spoke beside her as she let out a soft nod.
"I want to go to my house." Alex spoke after a few moments.
"For what?" Harry asked her.
"To just check my house. I'm going to go now, I'll see you a lot later." Alex quickly said before disapparating.
Ron let out a loud sigh as Fred clapped him on the back.
"I feel so bad for her." Ron muttered out as they all nodded.
Alex landed at her childhood home, sighing at it from outside. She had so many good memories here with her Mother, Father and Brother and now she had no one. She was alone, for the first time in 17 years, she truly had no family left.
Alex eventually entered the home to see it completely untouched, like it had been left alone for months. Which it probably has been. Alex slowly walked up the stairs and entered her Father's room, her fingers trailed on her Dad's dresser, picking up the last family photo they took.
She then took off towards her brother's childhood bedroom. Gryffindor posters and memorabilia on the wall with quidditch posters accompanying them. Alex sighed before sitting on his bed, realizing now that she never let herself cry over their deaths. So that's exactly what Alex did. She sat on Oliver's bed, sobbing over the loss of not only her brother, but her Father and Rachel who she had grown close with.
After Alex had been sobbing for quite awhile, she heard a sound downstairs, and she slowly stood up, grabbing her wand, walking towards the staircase.
"Hello?" She called out before Natha, Hermione, Harry and Ron appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, quickly wiping her tears away.
"You've lost a lot recently, we wanted to be here for you." Hermione spoke as the rest of them nodded.
"You're not alone love, even if you think that you are." Ron spoke as they all walked up the stairs and brought her in for a group hug as she cried.
"Thank you guys, I'm lucky to have you." Alex sighed, leaning her head against Rons shoulder as they all went back into Oliver's room as they all looked around.
Alex held Ron's hand as she led him to hers.
"So, this is your bedroom huh?" He asked, leaning against the wall as she nodded.
"What's that?" Ron asked, pointing to something tucked under her pillowcase.
"I'm not sure?" She answered before going to grab it. She grabbed it to see a red envelope and opened it to see a letter.
If you are reading this it means that the War happened, and I didnt make it. I hope the Order is taking care of you and your brother as they promised. I wanted to write this before I went into hiding as it wasnt safe here. You are safe at Hogwarts and your brother is safe where he is as well.
Alexandra, I love you and your brother so much. More than life itself, and I'm sorry that I may have not always shown it, and that I sometimes appeared cold towards you after your Mothers passing. I should have done more, I should have been a better Father and I will live with that guilt forever.
I am so proud of both of you and your brother sweetie, you're both going to do incredible things in your lives and I'm sorry I wont be there to see them, but I will always be your guardian angel.
Take care of your brother for me. Please don't let this affect your life Alex, you are meant to do incredible things and to be happy.
I love you so much.
Love, Dad"
Alex had tears down her face as she read it before Ron quickly comforted her, glancing over the letter himself.
It had been a few days and Molly and Hermione had set up a proper burial for Oliver and Rachel. They unfortunately did not know where her Fathers body was.
Alex was currently getting ready in Ginny's room as Ginny and Hermione sat behind her.
"Are you sure you want to do this Alex?" Hermione asked as she nodded.
"They deserve to be buried, properly... and to be sent off properly." Alex quietly told her friends.
And that's what they did. They had a proper burial for Alex's lost loved ones, giving her the closure she so desperately needed. After the mini funeral they all had, they spent some time enjoying eachothers company, Alex attached to Ron's hip.
The five friends all sat in the kitchen in the burrow as Molly came running in.
"Children! There you are! I have news, straight from Professor McGonagall." Molly gushed, holding a letter in her hand.
"Do we have to go back to Hogwarts?" Ron groaned.
"Well, not exactly dearies, the Minister of Magic has built a new school for all last year 7th years to go too, as they missed their last year and didnt get taught anything much. You also can study mostly what you want your career to be, gaining experience!" Molly said excitingly.
"Oh, so like a University?" Hermione asked.
"A what?" Alex asked as Harry and Hermione both chuckled, being raised by muggles.
"It's a muggle school for after highschool." Harry explained.
"Why would you want to do more school after 7 years?" Nathan asked.
"They actually do school from ages 5-18." Hermione informed as Ron let out a dramatic gasp.
"Well, I think that's too much but okay." Ron said, shrugging.
"Anyways, Molly. Any more information?" Alex asked.
"Yes, it's one school year, it's all 7th years or anyone who didn't finish from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. It's also mandatory." Molly told them as they nodded.
"Hermione, does that mean Victor will be there too?" Alex asked, smiling at the girl as she lightly nodded.
"Unfortunately." Hermione muttered out.
"Unfortunately? He's your boyfriend no?" Nathan asked her.
"He uh, broke up with me after the battle." Hermione told her friends.
"What? That git, why?" Alex asked.
"Said he couldn't be with me after I went many months without contacting him."
"Does he not realize it was literally life or death?" Harry asked.
"I don't think he cares too much about that." Hermione sighed once again.
"Well I'm sorry 'Mione, we are always here for you." Nathan said, lightly rubbing her back in comfort.

Let's Make A Deal• harry potter era
FanficAlexandra Wood was a beloved sister to the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, Oliver Wood, and best friends to many people at Hogwarts while being a brave Gryffindor at heart. Alex was starting yet another year at Hogwarts, her fifth year, and she w...