~Chapter Seventeen~

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Alex had turned to follow Sirius down the hall as he led her into a dining room.

"Here, sit and eat something." Remus said as the three sat down at the table, Alex eating some of the food placed out for her.

"So, can either of you tell me why I'm here? My Dad wouldn't say." She asked as Remus and Sirius shared a quick look.

"Well, we are a part of the order. A group of us formed to defeat the dark lord way back in the first war and got together again since he has been confirmed alive again, and this is our headquarters." Sirius told her as her eyebrows scrunched.

"The order? Were my parents a part of it? Or still are?" She asked as Remus nodded.

"They both were." Remus confirmed.

"You're Dad still is, very quietly though. We've gathered you, the Weasleys, and Granger here because Harry was attacked by dementors. He is fine but he is in court right now with Arthur at the Ministry. You're all here because we are scared you guys could be their next victims." Sirius explained as Alex's eyes went wide.

"Is everyone else here?" She asked the two.

"They have been here for a few days already. You were the last to be moved because we were nervous if it was all done at once, it would be suspicious." Remus told her as she nodded.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"Upstairs. You run along and go catch up if you are done eating." Sirius nodded up the stairs as she gave them both a nod and a small smile before running back up the stairs and opening the door where she heard their voices.

"Alex!" Hermione yelled out, being the first to spot her as she ran over and gave her a hug.

"Hermione, I missed you so much!" Alex grinned at the girl, bringing her close. She then quickly hugged Ginny as well before arms reached from behind her, spinning her around into their arms. 

"I missed you so much! You have no idea, they are all so annoying!" Ron mumbled into her ear, bringing her in even closer as she giggled.

"I missed you too." Alex told him before stepping back and turned to the twins, bringing them in each for a hug as well.

"So Alex, did you go absolutely nuts without us?" Fred teased with a cocky grin on his face.

"Oh yeah. I missed you all so much. I was so bored at home as Oliver was so busy with Rachel, getting ready to move." Alex told them with a small eye roll. She sat down on the bed beside Hermione as they all spent more time catching up.

Soon, the door opened again to reveal Harry. Alex was quick to stand up and walk over to him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Harry gave her a hug back, surprised to see her there.

"Alex?" Harry confusingly asked.

"Harry, bloody hell, you told me not to worry about you but you made that very hard." Alex sighed before withdrawing from the hug as he gave her a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, sorry about that Alex. I'm okay though, don't worry." He told her the girl, giving her arms a light squeeze before letting go.

"So Harry how did it go?" Hermione asked, pulling Alex back to sit next to her again.

"Yeah, fill us in." Ron encouraged.

"Well, I wasn't expelled." Harry told them as the group all sighed out in relief. 

Harry then spent the rest of the day talking with his friends, all discussing the order, court, and what school would look like for them going into their next year of school.

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