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With Pewdie....

The Youtuber felt his heart pound as Toby stood in the alley entrance.The Proxy breathing was returning to it's original pace and he was looking at the dumpster.Pewdie opened the lid slightly to see Toby stalk towards the street.His eyes watched the teen warily as thunder began to roar.

The Swede opened the lid and jumped out. His eyes never left the street as he headed back down the way he came.Pewds looked at the street one last time making a hasty decision.He turned and ran.He didn't even notice the shadow hidden on the rooftops.

"Marzia!"Pewds yelled as he ran to the car.

He opened the door to find the Italian gone.It was like she hadn't even been there.He looked around before seeing one of Marzia's bracelets on the ground.The Swede picked it up and looked around in the fog.

"Marzia!"he yelled again.

"Pewds?"came the sweet voice he loved so much.

The man looked behind him to see his beloved standing in a doorway.Pewds smiled as he ran towards her.He hugged her tightly as she gasped for air.

"Felix!It's only been ten minutes!"Marzia pointed.

"It felt like forever!"Felix pointed out.

Smiling softly Marzia hugged back.

"Oh I love you,"she whispered.

A figure tilted it's head as it kicked the air.It watched the two lovers as they entered the building.

"Why can't my life be like that?"he sighed.

He jumped over to the next store's rooftop and knocked over a water can.He smirked as he washed his hatchets.His gloves became soaked and blood washed out.Toby sighed as rain began to fall. Once blood soaked goggles returned to their amber lens.

The Proxy stood as rain poured over him.His clothes got soaked and layer of blood was washed away.His brown hair flattened as he looked up.Rain fell down his pale like tears from heavens.He felt the pain of sorrow be washed away as he was soaked.

"Crystal I hope you know I love you,"Toby said as he laughed.

His laughs turned to sobs as he fell to his knees.He held his head in hands as he screamed.The agony of losing his first love felt worse than anything he had felt emotionally.Toby lost the only thing he remembered from his past.His last beacon of salvation dimmed right before his very eyes.

"Crystal......."he sobbed as he rocked back and forth.


With Crystal......

The blue haired eyes widen as she took a step back.Disbelief flooded through her veins as Nightshade held out a hand.

"I don't believe you,"Crystal said.

"I know.I don't even believe it myself but it's what foretold.I have no control over the future or the past.They told me this has to happen for the greater good,"the tanned girl sighed.

Nightshade felt her heart sink with each spoken word.Nothing hurt her worst then hurting an innocent but it had to be done.Her violet eyes went half-lidded as she thought about the other side effect of what she had to do.

"Are you telling me the truth?"she asked.

"Would I lie to you Crystal?"Nightshade asked.

"You didn't tell me you were Zalgo's proxy!"

"How the hell was I suppose to know?!Besides I've  already proven my loyalty to the Operator after all he's put me through!I lost a dear friend because of him!But I  forgave him because I believe in second chances."

Crystal fell silent as Nightshade hung her head.

"Crystal.....I never wanted this.You of people should know that,"she said.

Crystal leant on the wall for support as she looked down.She didn't know what would happen if she refused to go through with this or what would happen if she did.The only way to know was to be a mind reader or go through with it.Crystal sighed as she made her decision.

"Nightshade......Send me back then,"Crystal said quietly.

"Are you sure?"Nightshade asked.

"I'm sure."

The ravenette looked up with sad eyes and nodded.Raising a hand Nightshade felt a strange strength rush through her as sparks erupted from her palm.Crystal eyed it warily but took her hand.The younger girl gasped as the world around her began to darken and spin.She looked at Nightshade and gasped.The nineteen year old was aging backwards.First her hair turned blond then back to black with blond streaks.Her features began younger and younger until she faded.

"Nightshade!"Crystal shouted and jumped for the fading hand.

Crystal's hand,however,went through the hand and fell down the swirling pool.Events of the past played out in reverse to her as the teen fell.Crystal looked to her right and left trying to catch glimpses of what was happening but failed.She hissed when a jolt of pain shot through her body.Her eyes closed for a moment and when they opened it was a gray ceiling she saw.

"When am I?"she asked out loud.

Sitting up Crystal looked at her surroundings.It was the same hospital room  with 'He is a liar' and 'Follow me' but sunlight pour in from the outside.Crystal groaned as she stood.Had it not work?

"Nightshade?"Crystal called out.

Crystal's blue eyes widened when she heard footsteps come closer to her.There was nothing to defend herself with,had no idea who it was,or what it was,she was dealing with.Crystal could only hope she was unnoticeable as the footsteps stopped outside the door.

A familiar hooded face peeked around the corner.Crystal started to smile when she notice something really big off about her appearance.Her normally blue hair was now a dark brown  and curled softly at the ends.Crystal looked at Hoodie as he approached her.

'If I say anything it could alter the future,"Crystal thought as Back to the Future came to mind.

She gulped as the hooded one held a bag in his hands.Crystal didn't say or do anything as Hoodie tied her wrists.She wasn't going to or would hurt her friend.Well future friend.He led her through the maze of halls as Crystal followed.Her mind raced as she listened.Soon the sound of boots hitting pavement/concrete was replaced with the sound of gravel.They walked for a moment before Hoodie shoved her in a doorway.

"Hey Masky,gotcha ya a practice kill,"Hoodie said.

'Practice kill?'Crystal thought paling.

Written in my bloodWhere stories live. Discover now