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I woke up with my head pounding like someone threw a bottle at me.Was I dreaming the whole time?I'm not in my room though.This is the dirtiest room I've ever seen.Cobwebs all over the ceiling,layers of dust on the floor,and I'm sure not even a cockroach would sleep in here.I swung my feet off the bed and sat there for a moment.

Did Evan move us again?

"Ann where are you?"Sally's voice called out.

Then I wasn't dreaming.I slipped off the bed and walked to the door.The door knob was beyond freezing and shocked me as soon as my hand made contact with it.I shook my hand a little and tried again.I didn't get shocked this time and pushed the door open.

The door opened to a pure dark hallway and candles dimly lit the hallway.The hallway seemed to go on forever in both directions and I could hear my footsteps echo off the walls.What should I expect?I'm a mansion filled with killers. They probably don't even do spring cleaning.

All I need is a flashlight to have that horror game feeling.I looked left then right a couple of times before deciding which way to go.I went down the left side of the hall and looked around nervously.Is there more killers I haven't met?Then my phone went off and I checked what it was.Pewdie had sent a text so I opened it.

Pewdie:Marzia wants to meet ya so we're boarding the next flight back.

Ann:Can't wait to meet her.See you then.

Pewdie:Before you go can you believe I almost called you when you don't talk?


Pewdie:Yeah,but see you soon.

I smiled a little.Pewdie can be a idiot at times,I can tell.I continued to walk down the hall when something grabbed the hem of my jeans.I looked behind me to see nothing and I frowned.Is Sally messing with me now?

I turned back around and ran a little bit before I came to an old metal door.I pushed it open and took in the scene before me.Piles of junk,old and new,were everywhere.Walking in between the piles gives you a real creepy feeling.

With all of the old dolls looking at you with one eye, pieces of porcelain missing from their cheeks,faded dresses and paint,I should stop.I freaking myself even describing the dolls.There also was swords,knifes,mirrors,you name it,it was there.One item caught my eye though.It was book with writing on the front.

Why does Mom hate me?

Defiantly a guys hand writing.Probably twelve or eleven years old.I picked up the book and dusted it off.I turned the front page and on the all of the pages were drawings of random things.I flipped to the last page and found writing.I really couldn't read the note but I could read the year.This was written four years ago.

I hope she can forgive me.I had to kill those people to keep my end of the deal with Slender.He told me if I became a Proxy he wouldn't hurt her.That's half the reason I became a Proxy.I just hope she's alright.I probably won't get to see her again.She was the only one who didn't get freaked out by me.She'll probably move.

I'll miss her.

Well that isn't very helpful is it now?She probably did move.Where ever this was taken from.

I put the book back down and tried to find the exit.

"Where did he go?He didn't even say good bye."

Why do I keep hearing these voices?They could be from my past....

"When will he come back?Will he still know me?"

These voices are making me sad for some reason.

"There's going to be some fighting if we ever meet again...."

Then it stopped.Why do I hear these voices from the past?Man my life is difficult.Why can't anything be simple for me?Why couldn't I lived my mom instead of Evan?Because she died when I was six.

Why did Evan hate me?Because I was the one who got the insurance money when she died.But that still doesn't explain why Evan hates me.Will he come back?That question scared me more than anything.What if he did?

"Ann where did you go?"Slender asked.

'About time you showed up.I have no clue.'

"Just think about the area around you."

I thought back to the dolls and shivered.

"I know where your at now."Slender said.

I saw a shadow taller than mine appear behind me and he grabbed my wrist.

'I'm not suppose to be back here am I?'


'I thought so.'

We continued to walk in silence and I looked at the paintings on the wall.Creepy as crap is all I can say.

'Ann you have to stay in the living room for the night so we don't lose you again.'Slender said.


I sat on the couch and got on my phone.It was static though.What the crap?

'You'll have to excuse my presence.Electronics don't exactly like me.'Slender said.

'So you're basically like a walking dead zone?'


I sat there staring at a static screen till Slender teleported somewhere else.When he was gone I got on the internet on my cell and looked up Creepypasta.When it pulled up a wiki I raised an eyebrow.So Creepypasta is more popular than I thought.I clicked on that link and it pulled up the home page.

I clicked the search bar and typed in the first person that came to mind.Slender.

*Ten minutes later*

What the crap?!How did I not read these before?So far I read about Jeff,BEN Drowned,Eyeless Jack,Slenderman,and Jane.Let's say I'm little shaken up.I clicked near the top and accidentally exited the Creepypasta Wiki.

Noooooooo!I was still reading that!

I got back on the internet and was about to type in the web site when I realized some of the Creepypastas wouldn't be on there.I typed in Ticci Toby and got a few results.this is going to take awhile isn't it?

(Sally's P.O.V)

"BEN what's Ann doing on the internet?"I asked.

"She's basically reading about us.You really should've seen some of the faces she made as she reading,"BEN laughed.

"BEN it's not nice to talk about someone behind their back,"I added.

"Who cares?It's not like she can hear us?"

"It's still not nice."

"I don't care."

I threw a rock at the back of his head.

"Okay I'll stop....for now,"he said.

"Thank you,"I said.

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