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  • Dedicated to To all the readers

*That night*

"So can I go?"I asked Pewdie.

"Fine,but no drinking and do not let Marzia know I agreed,"Pewdie said.

"Thanks Pewds!"I said hugging him.

I ran into my room and basically freaked out. Explanation time.Gigi and I,yes I,got invited to a party.I was so shocked, because one:It's the first party I have been invited to and two:I thought Pewdie would say no.I heard my phone ring and picked it up.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What did he say?" Gigi asked.

"That I could go," I said.

I held the phone away from my ear as Gigi began to squeal.It was a full two minutes before the squealing stopped.

"I swear this the second best thing that has happen to you since Toby showed up!" Gigi squealed.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked coldly.

"Oh don't deny it!I mean because of him you started talking again!" Gigi said.

I stayed silent as she continued.

"And you've started smiling more.If I were to say anything you looovvvveee Toby."

I looked away out of the corner of my eyes and said,"I'll see you at the party."

I hung up as Gigi protested.I ran my hand through my hair stressfully and sighed.

"I'm too young to be in love,"I whispered,"Entirely too young."

I walked to my closet and changed slowly.My smile was gone as I headed out the door.I don't need everyone telling me I'm in love.I know it.It's just I'm stressing out about it.What if this doesn't work?

He''ll be gone and I'll be heart broken.I might find someone but it won't be the same.Plus if I tell him he probably return my feelings and rejected me.I just can't.My heart wants one thing,my brain says to do the other.Why isn't love simple?Because it's such a wonderful thing but it takes work for it to last.

I'm afraid to confess,he knows I like him but I doubt he knows how far the feelings go.How far back they began to develop.It started as a crush when we both were young and over the years the feelings grew.I had fallen for my best friend long ago.

"Crystal!"I heard someone yell.

I looked up and saw the two story house full of teens of all ages.Lights were changing and I could barely hear.I'm at the right place.Gigi ran up to me with a frown.

"Why'd you hang up on me?"she demanded.

"I didn't feel like talking,"I lied,shrugging.

Gigi stared intently at me for a moment before her body language relaxed.

"For a moment I thought you were mad at me,"the curly haired girl said.

I laughed at her and said,"Why would I?"

Gigi shrugged and grabbed my hand.

"Come on!"she squealed.

She dragged me into the house and immediately I had little room to move.I cringed when I saw some couples making out.Gross.I know,I'm dating yet I don't like the idea of making out in public.To be fair these two are half naked and are literally sucking each others faces.Gigi followed my gaze and made a face.

"Get a room!"she yelled.

The guy waved her off as we continued to move through the crowd.The blasting music was already giving me a head ache and people kept bumping into me.I even saw a few guys whistle at me.I just want to shrink and disappear off the Earth.

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