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"Let me get this straight.Toby's your friend but you're going to the dance with him?"Jojo asked for the fourth time.

"I already told you a dozen times:Yes!"I snapped.

"I think he likes you,"Jojo said.

"..............Da hell?"I asked.

Jojo started to laugh as soon as I said that.

"It's not funny!"I yelled.

"Yes it is!"Jojo laughed.

I heard a window slid up and looked behind Jojo.Jane stuck her head in and made a few movements to try and say 'The mansion now.'

"Hey Jojo do you know they have a gorilla game?"I asked.

"There is?Night sis!"she said dashing out of my room.

I closed the door and crawled out the window.I heard a scoff and looked up to see Jane frowning.

"What?The gorilla thing?"I asked.

She nodded and I laughed.

"I wasn't making that up.They actually made a game like that,"I said.

"The things people will do today,"she muttered.

"Why are you here?"I asked.

"Sally wants you to spend the night and wouldn't stop bugging me about it."

"She does know I have school?"

"The guys will take care of that."

She grabbed my arm and next thing I know we're in a room full of toys.

"Um....Jane?"I asked.

"What?"she snapped.

"Can you go back and get some clothes for school?"I asked.

She nodded and disappeared.I heard a squeal and cringed.Sally knows I'm here.I turned and smiled.

"Hey Sally,"I said hugging her.

"Hi Ann!I can't believe Jane actually went and got you!"Sally squealed.

"Please don't squeal.It hurts my ears,"I said.

"Are you hungry because we're just now having dinner,"Sally said.

"Yeah,all I had was leftover pizza,"I said following her.

I heard a small thump and looked back to see Jane place my clothes on a dresser.She followed us and I looked at the room before me.It was a diner room that was purely decorated black and red.And probably the cleanest room I've seen so far.Sally sat on the right of me,and Jane the left.I tried to hide as food appeared,and so did the rest of the Creepypastas.They were all talking and didn't see me sitting there.BEN was the only one to notice since he sat across from me.He made a face at Jane who mouthed something to him.He nodded and gave me a evil smirk.Dinner went pretty normal,for a family of Creepypastas.I kept laughing into my hand because no one else had noticed me.I mean I'm the only one in the room in fluffy pj pants with chocolate chip cookies on them and a blue tank top.

"So I heard Toby asked someone to that dance,"Hoodie said at one point.

"Who was it lover boy?"Jeff asked.

"No one important,"I heard Toby say.

"Really?You sure it wasn't that girl who you been giving flowers?"Jack asked.

"What were they?Roses?"Sally asked.

"Yeah..."I heard Toby muttered.

I kept quiet and looked down the table.I saw Toby poking at his waffles.Odd,he loves waffles.

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