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With Crystal.....

Blue eyes widened as gloved hands pushed her into a cold room.A door slammed,making a gush of wind against the teen.She shivered a bit and shuffled her foot around to find a wall.

The room was cold  and still.It was a nice change from the Otherworld,as Crystal decided to call it,yet she had an unnerving chill.Crystal swore she could feel eyes staring intensely at her.She couldn't tell they were,she had a good idea who they belonged to,but it didn't relax her nerves.

Breathing in softly Crystal listened.Nothing.She couldn't even hear another's breathing. It was almost the room itself was a void of life.A void Crystal could die in.Wringing her hands in a desperate attempt to free herself,the teen felt chills  crawl her spine.

"You're not going to free yourself like that," a voice said suddenly.

Crystal shrieked and jumped into a wall.She coughed as new pain formed in her already caked back.Tension lingered in the air until the person laughed.The laughter made Crystal's heart jump for an unknown reason, but she had better things to worry about.Like the hands untying her wrists.

"You know you would've made your wrists blister and bleed if you had continued that for awhile," the male voice said.

"Why would you help me?" Crystal croaked as her rubbed her wrist.

"Hm?Well,you look you got a story.Mind tellin'?" the voice asked.

Crystal raised a brow and took off the burlap sack. She looked at the dark room but saw nothing. Maybe he's just hiding.She looked to her sides to see nothing.

She laughed nervously,"Who?Me?"

"Yes,you,"came a chortled reply.

Crystal swallowed and sat down.She hugged her knees,once blue hair falling around her face and down her shoulders.

" Well...what do you know?"she asked in a whisper.

The teen heard someone click their tongue disapprovingly and saw something in the dark room move.It was hardly noticeable but the slight move had caught her attention.

"Well I know you're no southern belle," he said.

"Hey!" Crystal snapped.

"Did you take that in the wrong way?I meant you you need to have some manners,not you weren't pretty.Aren't southern belles pretty and polite?"

Crystal turned a little pink.She seriously needed to learn to take compliments.

"I pretty sure that's a stereotype."

"Does it really matter?"

She shook her head as the man shuffled.Crystal felt him stare at her and thought for a moment. What would happen if she told him her real name? Probably would have a negative feedback. Using her anagram skills she created a fake name.

"Carly Stone," Crystal replied.

"Well Carly,call me Tim," the voice said.

"What?" Crystal accidentally blurted.

How in the name of Hades does Masky sound older?Is it a coincidence?Crystal couldn't be sure. She knew had heard Hoodie say Masky,but why did he sound older?

"Something wrong with my name?" Tim asked.

"No,it's nothing...." Crystal lied.

Oh if it was only nothing.

"Carly?Is your back bleeding?" Tim asked.

Crystal gasped as a glove hand force her chin up. Two obsidian eyes of a mask stared down at her as the teen felt fear.He has the power to kill her,but he didn't.

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