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(Crystal's P.O.V)

"Where's Nightshade going?"I asked Hoodie when I saw her running out of the class room.

He shrugged and I was left with questions.Why would she just run out like that?

You should prepare....

I looked around and worry came over my face.What could that mean?It could be bad.Especially if it's coming from Zalgo.

At least your not stupid like the rest of your kind.Absolute simpletons. 

Why can't I disagree with him?I mean he has a small point.Some people are flat out dumber than a rock.I made a face as I searched for Nightshade. 

You might not have to wait long for that.....

I heard a crashing sound and a blur passed by our hall.A couple of people screamed and continued when a dark figure appeared.My feet forced themselves to stop moving as it looked at me.

"At last we meet in person Signal.I hope the Operator hasn't contaminated you with his deceit and lies," he said.

"Zalgo..."I said staring.

He stalked towards me and I heard doors slam behind me.

"It's locked!"I heard Jenna yell.

"How-?"I began.

"Simple,"Selena said appearing at his side.

My eyes narrowed.I knew something was up.

"My idiot of a sister thought if she brought me to the Operator it'll restore the mental damage I've suffered.Ha!It's his fault I was in a mental institution for a year!Then Zalgo contacted me.He promised me my revenge,"Selena said.

"And she ended up a truly helpful associate,"Zalgo said a foot away from me.

"Why?Why betray your sister Selena?"I asked the red head.

"Easy.I hate her.I hate the Operator for not bringing my cousin back,I hate him for his betrayal,I hate them peroid.And I hate you.You got what you wanted I didn't!"Selena shouted.

The words hit me like I brick.It never occurred to me how someone else might react to this but Selena hates Jamie?


"Selena go find the others and release the surprise we have for them," Zalgo said to the much smaller being.

"Yes my Lord,"Selena said bowing.

I glared at her as she walked away with a box in tow.What could possibility be in that little box?I need to get Toby,Hoodie,and Masky.They could help.

"Go ahead,call for you friends.Just like the weakling you are.You couldn't possibly beat me," Zalgo taunted.

I clenched my fists.I'm not weak.I can take care of myself.Zalgo smirked as he walked right up to me.The fire alarms went off and I heard people panic.They pounded on the doors and I heard one door bang.Possibly the guys trying to ram it open.I saw the other grades run out of the main entrance and the teachers stared at Zalgo.He looked back slowly and snapped his fingers.I watched as they were thrown back and a couple of them crashed through the glass of the doors.

I tried to move but it was like the soles of my shoes melted.Why can't I move?

"Do you see what I can do?" 

I heard wood crack and I looked back to see a leg stuck in the door.Idiot.....

"Hey!"someone shouted in protest.

I really need to remind Slender to take this mind link thing away.

"Well girl?" Zalgo asked.

I took a a deep breath before answering.

"I'm going to fight you myself,"I uttered.

Zalgo smirked and took a side step.I saw Nightshade hiss at him.My heart stopped when she staggered to stand.Something isn't right..

"Nightshade?"I called.

I gasped when she whirled around suddenly with pure black eyes.Her teeth had somehow been sharpened to points and she moved like she was stalking prey.

"What happened to her?"I asked.

"All I did was bring out her inner insanity and beast,she should've joined me when she had the chance," Zalgo replied.

My eyes widened and I forced myself to take a step back.Why hadn't she told us?

"She refused and continued to run from your friend and the Operator.The two didn't even realize what she looked like,nor the power she contains," Zalgo continued.

Nightshade hissed and looked at Zalgo.

"Not yet," he told her.

She nodded and sat down eyeing me with those cold eyes.An icy chill went down my back as she smirked.

"If you want to fight me you have to survive one challenge," Zalgo told me.

"Don't do it Crystal!"Masky warned me.

"What is it?"I asked ignoring the warning.

I got in a fighting stance and kept a hand open.Hopefully I can Slender Walk the gun to me...

"Quiet eager to fight me aren't you?Don't you wonder why your like this?Or perhaps why Nightshade,a complete stranger,tried to protect you from me?" 

I got tense and glared at the demon in front of me.Should I trust him?

"I don't know what you're talking about,"I said.

"Yes you do.I'll answer the last question before I issue the challege to begin.Nightshade knew you before you knew,or remembered,her.Does the name Hailey ring a bell?"

"That's impossible.Larissa had brown hair and was a freaking inmagery friend,"I snapped.

"So you do know the name.Well Nightshade was named Hailey Duke,she died 2009,and was given a quite unique gift."

He just loves to talk doesn't he?But what gift does he mean?Is it good or bad?How am I involve?Was she really named Larissa?

"You see Selena ended Hailey's older brother's life in 2010 on her grave.Selena had made a deal with no other than the Operator,but he wasn't going to keep his end of the deal.Selena realized this and lashed out at him.His mistake was giving her a blade he made,which could injury him.She managed to get one good swipe,and in result some of his blood was also split.You see I couldn't pass up the chance to get the upper hand so I just encouraged the mixed blood to sink down into the ground,and it reached it's destination."

My breath hitched.Is he saying what I think he's saying?

"Unfortunately in wasn't until last year it brought me what I wanted.Nightshade was revived as one of us on the night of January 21,2013."

I couldn't help but stare at the fully insane Nightshade when he said this.Does she know this?

"She met an angel named Sabrina two weeks later and she sent Nightshade back in time to show her someone."

"Me,"I ended shocked.

"Correct,and Sabrina brought her back to the present.In the end Nightshade spent a year avoiding the Operator and I.Then she joins him after preventing Evan and his friend from ending your life."

"No.You're lying!She would've told me if it were true!"I shouted.

"Now Nightshade,are you ready?"

She nodded and sent a toothy grin at me.

"Remember to use your ablities.Now Crystal run," Zalgo said to me.

"Why?"I asked.

I screamed as Nightshade lunged at me and turned to run down the hall,which morphed into a stone pathway in a place I didn't recognize.

"The hunt has begun."

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