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I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking hot chocolate and laughing with my family.Well....adopted family.Pewdie kept making me snickering into my cup to the point I had to put my cup down.Jojo was making funny faces as Marzia poked her.I smiled and heard a soft sigh.I turned to see Nightshade standing there in a dark red-orange(the color works for her for some odd reason) long sleeve shirt,fluffy pajama pants,the same scarf,and sunglasses.I think  my expression went grim because she reminded me of how I acted for so long.

"Join us Shade,"I said.

"Shade?"the girl asked tilting her head.

"Shorten version of your name,"Jojo said crossing her eyes.

The slightly taller girl was hesitated but sat next to me.Marzia handed Night a cup of hot chocolate.I took a sip while watching the disguised figure.Shade seemed to watched Pewdie and Jojo take sips of their hot chocolate and pulled her scarf down a little.Not much,just enough she could raise the cup to her concealed lips.Her long was in a small pile on the floor,thankfully it was a room that did get clean often,and I pulled out a hair tie.

Sure I hardly ever pull up my hair but I was planning to.Some day.I put my cup on the table and scooted to sit behind Shade.As she drank her hot chocolate I pulled her hair back.I guess Shade felt her hair being pulled and looked back at me.By the time she did that I was already done.In the end I had to put the hair in a bun,a very messy bun.

"What?"I asked.

"N-n-nothing,"she said.

There she goes with the stuttering again.I rolled my eyes and got back in my orignal spot.

"What do you get with wood and a cellar?"Jojo asked.

"What...?"Pewdie asked eyeing Jojo like she was possibly insane.

"A barrel!"Jojo yelled.

"B-b-barrel?!Nooo!"Pewdie yelled.

I laughed and nearly spit out my hot chocolate.Shade giggled and pulled her scarf up.

"That's stupid,"she said.

"It maybe but everyone has their opinion,"I said shrugging.

"Like you and your boyfriend?"Marzia asked.

That time I did spit out some hot chocolate.Onto the dirty towels thankfully.I don't need a pissed Slender chasing me through the woods for messing up the library floors,or the books.

"She has one!"Jojo giggled.

"I-I-I t-t-thought e-e-everyone k-k-knew,"Shade stuttered.

"You know?Who is this-"he spoke in Swedish so I can't translate.

Shade laughed and replied in Swedish.

"You know Swedish?!"I exclaimed.

"I learned it.....when I was........ normal,"she said.

"How did you end up like this anyways?"Pewdie asked.

"It's a little depressing to try and remember to find nothing,"Shade said.

"When you do make sure to tell us sweetie,"Marzia said patting Shade's on the back.

Shade looked at her and hugged the Italian.She took Marzia by surprise because Shade literally knocked Marzia over.I heard Shade sob a little and choked up.I may have but Shade has it worse.She doesn't remember anything,perhaps her real name. I can't imagine what that can feel like.

"Shade I don't know what you're going through but it'll be okay,"I said.

"You  think so?"she asked looking at me.

I saw the tears running down her face and really felt like I was going to cry with her.I gulped and replied.

"I'm sure.You're use to be human but if I do some research I might find out who you are, "I said confidentiality.

Shade stared,or I thought so, at me and hugged me.

"Thanks Crystal,"she whispered.

I hugged her and heard sniffling.I looked to see Pewdie and Jojo with tears in their eyes.

Marzia only said,"Aww."

"This is so cute and sad...." Pewdie said.

Jojo smiled and exclaimed,"A NEW SHIP IS BORN!!"

Everyone stared at her like she was crazy.Even I have no idea what she's talking about.She blushed and walked out of the room sheepishly.

"Anyone have any idea what she was talking about?"I asked.

"Not a flipping duck,"Pewdie said.

Shade let go and I saw a light flicker in her eyes.Then I saw a purple glow brighten behind her sunglasses.

"She'd better not...."Shade growled in a such a tone it sounded like she was a different person.

"Shade?"I asked worried for my sister.

"Be right back...." she growled.

She stood up and walked out.Something doesn't feel right.

"I'm going to go check on them," I said standing up.

I ran out of the room to go find the two.They hadn't been gone for long so I  should be able to find them. I turned the corner to see Shade punch a wall.She yelled as her went through the wall.After she did so I saw the glow dim.She panted for a minute,retracting her hand from the wall.I saw her head raise and looked at the wall.

"What..?No!Not again!"Shade shouted.

I silently watched her from the corner.She ran her fingers through her hair and she paced.

"I told Masky not to bring me here because of my....killer side,"I heard her muttered.

Killer side?I know I'm being intruding but curiosity got the better of me.Curiosity killed the cat,it might kill this one.

"Better go apologize for stomping out,"she muttered.

She turned my way and I ran down the hall.I pretended to walk her way.Shade walked towards me with her head down.

"Hey Shade where were you?"I asked.

" J-j-just c-c-clearing m-m-my h-h-head,"she stuttered.

"If you're sure," I said.

Sure I feel bad for basically lying to Shade,but I need to get some details so I can find out who she was.

"Let me know if you remember anything," I said.

I went back to the library and grabbed my empty cup.I didn't see Pewdie or Marzia but I heard laughter. Needless to say I ran my butt out of there.I headed to my room given to me by Slender and opened the door for the first time.I closed my eyes and stepped inside.Being only in my socks I could tell I was on carpet.I wiggled my toes and grinned.He actually got soft carpet.

I opened my eyes and gasped.The walls were a rich red, the carpets a dark gray,and so many things.This room was way bigger than my one at home.Lined along the top of walls were bookshelves with all of my favorite books and movies.There were two windows with black out curtains that were black and I opened one slightly.

Outside the window was a beautiful view of the woods.I decided to look at the other window and gasped when I opened the curtain.It had one of those seats built-in it that you read in.It's cushions were a red-orange and a a dark red wood.I looked behind me and back at the seat.

I sat down in the seat and daydreamed about sweet dates that could happen here.I looked to the back of the room and was shocked to see one of the fanciest beds I have ever had.It was on of those canopy beds with silky smooth curtains,and they were a dark red.I thought it was the prettiest shade of red.

I got up and got onto the bed.I crawled under the dark blue comforter,don't know why Slender went off color scheme, and closed my eyes.The soft queen size bed just made me sleepier.Maybe...*yawn*I should get a nap...

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