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"So what are we going to do?"I asked.

The Swede and Italian stopped and looked at each other.Well I guess they hadn't thought this through either.Pewds looked at me and shrugged.I snickered and Marzia looked like a light bulb went off.

"How about we spend the day at the mall?They have everything don't they?"she asked.

Pewds and I looked at each other uncertainly and he shrugged.I thought about it and a light bulb went off in my head.

"You know there's a game center thing about twenty minutes from here," I suggested.

"And you never told us?" Pewds asked making a face.

"Never crossed my mind," I said.

"Let's go then!" Marzia said clapping her hands together.

I smiled and got in the car.Pewds got in the driver seat, Marzia the passenger seat.The radio blasted through the speakers as soon as the key turned.I got an earful of a particular boy 'band' I had a strong disliking for.

"Turn it off!Turn it off!" I begged covering my ears.

Pewds chuckled before singing along.

"Pewds!" I said in annoyance.

Marzia sighed and turned the station.

"Thank you Marzia," I said breathing a sigh of relief.

"I take it you aren't a fan?" Marzia replied,it sounded more like a question to me.

"Not in the slightest," I said bluntly.

"Well...I'm turning it back!" Pewds shouted.

"What?No!" I yelped.

But it was too late.The song had changed.I swear Pewds looked like he want to face palm.Marzia laughed as Pewds bit his lip.I sighed and sunk in my seat.

"So how's school?" Marzia asked.

"Pretty descent," I replied.

"Anything movie you want to see?" Pewds asked.

"Uhh..." I trailed off.

"You can tell us," Marzia said.

"Transformers 4," I replied sheepishly.

I expected Pewds to say something about the director, like most people do,but he didn't. I guess he doesn't know or care who directed the movie.The Sweden nodded and made a turn onto a highway.Marzia began to talk about how living with Pewds was before they adopted me causing me to smirk.

"And he would always blame it on Edgar," Marzia said.

"Where are the pugs then?" I asked.

"They should be here 3:20 today," Marzia said.

I started to laugh uncontrollably to the point Pewds pulled over in a McDonald's parking lot.

"What's so funny?" he asked sternly.

"It's-It's-Bwhahahahaha!" I broke down laughing.

Marzia began to giggle,so did Pewds.Soon the entire car was full of laughter.

"What are we even laughing about?"Pewds asked after a minute.

" I don't know, "I admitted.

We looked at each other before laughing again.

" Okay,okay.That's enough.What was it you started to say before you broke down laughing?"Marzia asked.

"Hmm?Oh yeah,it's 3:29," I replied.

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