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I was dreaming peacefully when I felt fabric covering my mouth.I sat straight up and looked around for the culprit.My breathing was a little heavy but it returned to normal.I looked around my room to see the window open.I never open it.

Could it have been Evan? No,no,it couldn't have been him.I would've heard him come in.I got out of the bed and walked over to the window.I gasped when I saw boot prints.Who was in my room?!?!?

I slammed the window shut and locked it. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and it said 5:25 am. Plenty of time to get ready for school. I went into my bathroom and turned the shower on to let the water heat up. Then I went to my closet and grabbed a white tee, black jeans, and converse.

I went back into the bathroom and set them on the counter. I put my hand under the water and it was just perfect.

(Timeskip to after the shower cause no way am I writing about that)

I blow dried my hair quickly, then put on a blue skiing hat. I put on my red parka and shoved my phone and that photo I found last night in my pocket. I put in my earbuds and walked out of my room. Closing the front door quietly I ran into the town.

I ran through the alleys quickly. I slowed down when I came close to the park. I walked out of the alleys and into the public park. 5:50 am is such a lovely hour to come to the park.

My head pounded slightly like I should know something but I can't place it. I walked over to the swings and sat down in the middle one. I almost said something softly. Almost. I swung till a little girl voice startled me.

"You mind if I swing with you?" she asked.

I looked over my shoulder to see a seven or eight year old girl in a pink dress standing there. I really didn't think anything of it because I did this when I was that age. I got off my swing and picked her up. Then I put her in my swing.

"Can you push me?" she asked.

I pushed her and she giggled. I smiled a little.

So this it is what it's like to have a little sister.

"I'm Sally," she said.

I gave her a piece of paper that said 'Ann'.

"You don't talk much do you?"

I shook my head.

"That's okay. Slendy doesn't talk much either."

I raised an eyebrow. Slendy? I pushed her for about twenty minutes answering yes or no questions Sally asked me.

"I've got to go! Do you want to play here again tomorrow?" she asked.

I nodded my head yes. I mean who would say no to a little kid? She giggled and disappeared into the woods. Odd.

Most wouldn't even step a foot in there. I shrugged it off and got up to leave. When I was at the gates I heard something disturbing.I jumped a little and ran out of the park.

*In the school*

I settle comfortably in my seat next to the window. I had just finished the worksheet and was now bored. I stared out of the window to see gray clouds gathering. Probably going to snow.

"Ann!" Mrs.Foreman yelled.

I jumped a little and looked at the teacher with a puzzled expression.

"You're checking out," she added softly.

I nodded and grabbed my books. I rushed to my locker, unlocked it, and put in my books. Before closing it I grabbed my earbuds. Then I ran to the office and saw Evan and a strange man.

Evan looked at me once and scoffed. He walked out of the lobby and his 'buddy' followed. I know the only reason he checked me out: To fix his car. I listened to music as Evan and his friend talked.

I stared out of the car window watching trees pass. Then the worst thing happened. I heard metal crunching, glass breaking, Evan and his friend's scream, and my screams.

(????'s P.O.V)

"I smell waffles," I said as I near my newest victims house.

I had been following her for two days now. She didn't call out 'Who's there?' or ' Must of been my imagination.' She was different than the rest of my victims. I hadn't even heard her speak. I wonder if she'll even scream when I kill her?

Written in my bloodWhere stories live. Discover now