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Picture is Jamie.

(Jamie's P.O.V)

"Did you see your attacker?" the interrogator asked for the millionth time.

"For the last time yes I saw him!" I snapped.

"Now Ms.Nelson it would be best to give us your full cooperation," he said.

"I am!But what about the fact I'm in my pajamas in a freezing room!Plus you haven't asked me what he looks like,"I snapped.

The interrogator nodded and wrote something down.Probably thinks I was up to no good in the middle of the night.I sighed and leaned back in the chair.

"Don't do that Ms.Nelson.Now if I show you show photos do you think you could identify him?"he asked.

"Yup,I mean he was up close and personal,"I said,laughing softly.

The guy got up and walked out of the small white this what victims have to go through?Intense questioning and the same questions a million times?I exhaled and laid my head on the small wooden table.At least Gabe's okay.Where is that kid anyways?Is he going to be okay?

"Stop it Jamie.Caring too much for others is a flaw in some cases.You need to focus on you more often,"Selena's voice rang through my mind.

But that's exactly what got Selena taken away.Only caring about myself.I felt tears burn in my eyes but I wiped them away before they fell.I closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings.I could hear the heater kick on,the steady pulse of my heart,my breathing.The door creaked open and my eyes shot open.Clearing his throat the interrogator laid a file on the table.I sat up and pushed the hair out of my eyes.I opened the file and flipped through photos of guys who looked deadly,sneaky,or just average.The last page had three sketches but none were Eyeless Jack.

"None of these were him,"I said throwing the file back onto the table.

"Well was there any specific feature you can remember?"the older man asked.

"Well he had on some sort of mask and had a scalpel,"I shrugged.

The man visibly paled and he gulped.Is he nervous?

"Are you sure?"he asked.

"Absolutely positive,"I replied.

He stood up and picked up the file.

"I'll grab the other folder,"he said,voice quivering a tad.

He hurried out of the room and left the door open a bit.What's so bad about Eyeless Jack?I mean the cops have probably caught worse criminals.I crossed my legs and stared up at the ceiling.I swear it gets colder by the second in here.I hugged my knees as the man came back in the room.He laid a file labeled 'The Uncatchables' with a shaking hand.I raised an eyebrow and opened the file.Photos of what I assume are Creepypastas were in it and I lifted one of a complete shadow man.The only thing that wasn't darkness were two white spots and a smile,I guess they were glasses.Another one was this cat with a grin that looked suspiciously like Smile.I flipped through the pages and was almost at the back when I reached a divider labeled 'The top guns'.Turning the page I heard the man's breath hitch.I guess these guys are infamous.The first thing I saw was one of the pages from the Slender game.

Don't look or it takes you

There was a typed report and I began to read it.

Name:The Slenderman,the Tall man,etc.

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