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I worked on my history assignment.History is one of the classes I don't share with anyone I know....or hate.People were sharing answers,some of them were correct,at least.The teacher in this class is one of the youngest of the teachers but notices if someone's getting picked on.Ms.Jennings,divorced,one kid, she's really a nice teacher.

She's sweet and one of my favorites.I had finished the last question when the bell rang to signal school was over.People cheered as they left the classroom in a rush.I gathered my things quietly as I stood.

"Ann can I see you for a minute?"Ms.Jennings asked.

I looked at her and nodded.The guys can wait a few minutes.

"This is to go to your guardians,"she said handing me an envelope.

I nodded and put in my bag.I ran out of the room and down the hall.When I was out of the doors I couldn't see the bus or the guys anywhere.My shoulders drooped a little and I started to walk when I heard talking.

"Ann where are you going?"Masky asked.

I looked up and saw Hoodie,Toby,and Masky standing near the basketball court.

'I just thought you guys left without me.'

"You kidding?We wouldn't do that,"Masky said adding in a whisper,"Plus Toby wouldn't let us say otherwise."

I rolled my eyes.

"What did I say about rolling your eyes?"Toby asked.

I mentally slapped myself and ran.

I heard Toby yell and laughed.

*Two hours later*

"Ann I need help studying,"Toby whined.

Hoodie and Masky went back to the mansion but Toby stayed.

'What's so hard about studying about the fifties?'

"It's boring,"he whined.

'Your such a kid.'

He rolled his eyes and I shook my head.

'Just think about it like it's a video game or something.'

"Doesn't work,"Toby said.

'You didn't even try.'

I wrote down some notes and continued to read my history book.Five minutes later Toby dropped his book.

"This is boring,"Toby complained.

'Welcome to the world of studying for a test.'

"I didn't know you knew how to use sarcasm,"Toby said.

'And I didn't know you could lose to a girl at video games.'

"But you-You did it again!"he exclaimed.

I laughed and finished up my notes.

'You should know better.'

"And you should loosen up like this more often,"Toby commented.

I chuckled and put up my notes.Toby was still struggling and watching him made me sad.

'You know you've could've read my mind while I was taking notes.'

Toby's pencil stopped and he started to bang his head against the wall.I laughed at the fact that he didn't realize that earlier.I smiled and grabbed my notes.

'Just copy mine.'

Toby grabbed them and began to work.I'm starting to wonder what would've happened if it was Hoodie and Masky he was studying with.They probably would've gone insane.I laughed at the thought.Toby eyed me suspiciously and I shut up.I grabbed a book and began to read.Then it was ripped out of my hands.

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