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I groaned as I kicked the back windshield.My leg was defiantly hurt,but not broken.I have no clue where Evan or his friend are but I have to get out of this car.I kicked the windshield again,much harder this time, and it finally broke.

I squeezed the upper half of my body and tried to get out safely.I only got cut once on my cheek.The rest of my body got out uncut.I crawled a few inches away and got up slowly.

When I was sure I didn't have any head trauma I looked around for Evan and his friend.I saw Evan laying down in a snowdrift unconscious a few feet away, and his friend slumped up against a tree. They looked unharmed but I'm not a doctor.

I walked around the car. It was on upside down. What could've caused this? I looked closer at the hood to see something surprising.

It had a huge dent like something pushed down on the hood and deliberately cause the crash. Or it was a deer. Then again a deer wouldn't have the strength nor the speed to get away from the crash unharmed and it can't flip a car over.

"YOU!" Evan yelled.

I looked back at him and my eyes,I'm positive they did,widen. He was loading a revolver and was walking towards me. No way in my life am I going to negotiated with him right now. I looked towards the woods and made a quick decision.

Run into the possibly deadly woods. I ran faster than I have ever before and didn't want to look back to see if Evan was following me still. About a mile into the forest I slipped on some ice. I groaned as I stood up.

I saw a hollow log on the ground that I could hide in. I sat inside the log and held my breath. Must of been a really old tree to be the big. I heard footsteps and froze completely.

They seemed to continue to go forward in a running pace and disappeared. I exhaled and started to crawl out. I stopped when another pair footsteps came into my hearing range. The exit was only six steps away, well whatever you would say how far something is when your crawling.

They circled around a couple times before they stopped. My heart started to pound and I was growing more frantic by the second. I slowly crawled to my exit, scared out of my freaking mind.

Is it Evan? Is he going to kill me? Is it a bear? No, not a bear. They're hibernating.

My mind was racing with questions as I reached the exit. I could see snow flurries falling down to the ground and slowly covering the forest floor. It's actually a pretty sight from my view.

I was almost out when some guy decided to scare me. He hung upside down and yelled 'BOO!' as I screamed. His face disappeared as I heard his maniacal laughter. I crawled out and glared at the boy.

He had on goggles and wore one of those thingies that keep mentally ill people from biting anyone. From what I could tell he also wore two different hoodies, dark grey pants, boots, and two weapons hooked to his belt. Two axes to be exact. I stared at the axes in fear as the boy continue to laugh.

"Oh man you should've seen your face! It was priceless! I really *cough* need *cough* to stop *cough* laughing," he said.

I glared at him in anger. Is this really just a game to him? What does he think he is? A kid? When he finally caught his breath I heard the most disturbing noise. Bones cracking. I jumped a little and the boy looked at me.

"What? Ever heard bones snap?" he asked.

I nodded. I know that sound all too well. Evan ,yes Evan, and Jenna's group have broken my bones a few times so I learned the sound by the age of 13. As I looked at the boy close I could tell he was pale and had dark brown hair. Why hadn't noticed that earlier? Because I was afraid of the axes.

"Don't you talk?" the boy asked.

I didn't respond. Why would I tell some guy I just met if I talk or not? Wait that's a stupid question. The boy jumped off of the top of the log and looked at me.

"Name's Ticci Toby," he said.

I only handed him a piece of paper. My hand shook violently as I held it out to him. He snatched it and read it out loud.

"Ann? I knew a girl who had that as a middle name," Toby said.

I raised an eyebrow. I thought I was the only one with Ann as a middle name. What? I didn't say anything!

"Want to play a game?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Since you refuse to talk how about when you speak I get to kill you. Sound fair?"

I nodded my head with no hesitation. In case you have forgotten I'm the girl who hasn't spoke for four years.

"Well nice to meet you Ann. Don't forget our little deal!"

Then he left. I stood up and started to head back to the road.

*An hour later*

I watched as the police put Evan's buddy in handcuffs.

"I'm telling you! A tall thing in a suit and no face caused the crash! Ann you believe me don't you?" he asked as they shoved him into the back of a cop car.

I shook my head. Who knew he was crazy? I looked to my left as the officers interviewed Evan.

"She cause it," he said pointing to me.

I stared at him in shock. Is he really trying to blame this on me?

"Mr. Jones, she maybe a genius at fixing cars, but everyone saw her get in the back. And Mr. Howl's story doesn't fit your story," the first officer said.

"Ann come over here," the female officer said.

I walked over curious where this was going.

"Please remove your jacket," the woman said.

I took off my jacket and she lifted up the hem of my shirt.

"Physical proof of child abuse, Mr. Jones," she said.

Evan started to lunge at me and I hid behind the officer.

"Mr. Jones you're under arrest."

My heart felt a whole ton lighter. I'm free! I didn't mention I was abused earlier because Evan hadn't hit or thrown a bottle at me, so I felt it wasn't mentionable at the time.

"Let go me!" Evan yelled as they took him away.

"That's a pretty name," a voice said.

I looked around. Who spoke?

"Why don't you like it?"

I only told one person I didn't like my real name. And they- they. What happened to them?

Written in my bloodWhere stories live. Discover now