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I wasted no time in taking in my strange surroundings as Nightshade clawed at my feet.I turned and stomped on her hand.She howled and held her hand.I took the distraction to turn and get a head start.I could hear Nightshade hiss and growl as she ran after me.What in the actual hell did Zalgo do to her?

"Nightshade if you're in there it's me Crystal!"I tried as I ran.

A loud hiss let me know that didn't work.Great.I've got a killer spirit hunting me.What to do now?Surround her in a salt circle?Oh how I wish Sam and Dean were real right now.I saw an orange flow at the end of the path I was running on and headed towards it thinking it was sunlight.

"Whoa,whoa,whoa!"I shouted skidding to a stop.

It was freaking lava!Where am I?!I looked for another way down but saw none.I did spot a path across the lava lake but there's no way I can jump over a hundred feet!Nightshade laughed demonically and I sighed as I stood.Nightshade's fully black eyes glistened with delight as she stalk slowly towards me.

"Bye,bye,"'I said falling backwards.

She leaped at me but stayed back.I Slender Walked to the path and threw a fist in the air.

"I did it!Whoo!"I shouted.

I started to do a small victory dance when I heard Nightshade howl.

"I'll do that later,"I muttered.

I looked down the path to see it lead into a dark,overgrown forest.When I say overgrown I mean I could hardly see the path under all the brush.The one time I don't have Jeff or Jane with me. There's no way I can run through that.A broken tree limb caught my eye and I looked at the trees.No leaves but wood looks strong enough to hold my wieght.I took off my jacket and threw it around the tree trunk.I pulled on the jacket to make sure it wouldn't break and took a deep breath.

"Well here goes nothing,"I sighed.

I began to climb the tree when I heard the bushes rustle.My eyes widen and I tried to hide behind the tree.I felt my heart accelerate into overdrive as the sounds drew closer.Do I dare to look?It might not be Nightshade.With that thought in mind I peered around the tree.I dropped the jacket and walked to the bushes in disbelief.They were flatten like someone had been walking on them.Whoever that was made me a path.

"But where is that....being I heard walking then?"I asked myself.

"Do you talk to yourself often?"a voice behind me asked.

I jumped and got ready to throw a punch.My fist stopped centimeters from a guys nose.Again.At least I'm not alone.

"Sorry!I thought-"I began.

"It was that rampaging hybrid.Figured you might attack,but next time use that gun of yours,"he commented.

My jaw dropped as I stared wide eyed at him.Only Nightshade knows about the gun.Who does this guy think he is?

"Name's Brian.Yours?"he asked.

"Crystal,"I replied.

He nodded and looked at the lava lake.

"She's not going to be stuck over there long.Come on,"Brian said walking into the mist.

I looked at the lake then the mist.How do I know I'm not walking into a trap?Well I don't unless I follow him.

I sighed and said,"Wait up Brian."

(Third Person P.O.V)

Crystal tried to find the man she just met but the mist was thicker than soup.Her blues eyes struggled to even see what was in front of her.She pushed hair out of her face,wishing for a haircut.The teen began to back out of the fog when she bumped against someone.

"Lost?Don't worry,you're not the first,"Brian laughed.

"Just exactly how many other people have been here?"Crystal inquired.

"Not many teens or adults if that's what you're asking,but there's tons of kids that run through here.They don't stay long though,too eager to get out of here.Most leave through that doorway," Brian said pointing to a hole filled with light miles away.

"Where'd they go?"Crystal asked.

"Don't know,but once you go through that door you're never seen again,"Brian said.

'There goes that opition,'Crystal said silently.

Brian's brown eyes drifted to the younger girl and he tried to remember why she looked so familiar.He shrugged it off and lit the torch he was accustomed to using.Brian pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit the fabric.It sparked and died.Brian scowled and tried again.This time it lit the damp fabric.Then he waved the torch in front of him.It lit the path enough so they could see where they were going.

"So how long have you been here?"Crystal asked.

Brian shrugged.Truth be told he had lost track how long he had been in the nightmare-ish land.

"What about you?"Brian asked.

"Fifthteen minutes max,"Crystal guessed.

Brian groaned internally.That meant he would have to show her the ropes of surviving here.If he had know she was this much of a newbie he would've let her fend for herself for a few days.

"Hey can I ask you something?"Crystal asked.

"You just did,"Brian countered.

Crystal narrowed her eyes and rolled her eyes.

"You know what I mean,"she stated.

"Ask away then,it's going to be awhile before we reach the safe house,"Brian said.

"How'd you get here?"

"'s complicated."

"I live with complicated people so spill."

Brian couldn't help but smile.He had to admit she was a little different,but so was he.

"Well you see my mind was in discord.Ultimate chaos.It was like there was two sides to me.The chaos got so bad that I didn't realize some of the things I was doing.One moment I would be outside of my friend's house then the next thing I was in a shack with his pills.The next time I was able to tell what I was doing was the last in my own body so to say.My friend had pushed me off the edge of some window and I fell.I guess the fall broke the hold I had because I woke up here,"Brian explained.

Crystal hung her head.She couldn't imagine what that was like.The emotion alone might have discord itself.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that,"Crystal said quietly.

"Don't be it.It's not your fault.I personally blame Alex,"Brian assured her.

"Alex?"Crystal echoed.

"He's here too but don't go near him.He's insane."

Crystal's face screamed cufusion but she bit her lip and said nothing.

'There's some things better left unsaid.'

"I can't believe the bastard would try and blame Tim for that thing coming around,"Brian blurted.

Crystal's head shot up.Could it be Masky he was talking about?

"Would he sometimes wear-"Crystal began.

"A mask and run around.Yeah.Why?"Brian asked.

"I think I met him."

"At least he's still alive."

Crystal's heart began to feel heavy.Maybe she should tell him the truth,but what are the chances of him believing her?

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