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I sat there as I wondered what to do for the week.Pewdie was off at his girlfriend's so I was left by myself at home.Should I visit Patrick?Wait I can't,he's on a skiing trip,Gigi's in New York for the week, so I absolutely have nothing to do.

I beat Amnesia yesterday and I don't like replaying games I already know how it ends.Unless it's one of those multiple ending games.I have no clue where Sally is and no way am I asking Toby if he wants to hang out.Out of all the times we have snow half a foot deep.

I could always look up what Creepypasta's are,or save that for another day.Ice skating is not a bad option at the moment,if it weren't for everyone being at the only lake near town.The mall would be good.I already had my jacket and stuff on so the mall it is.When I get there I know I'm surely buying hot chocolate.

*At the mall*

I took a deep breath.The smell of hot chocolate is always heavenly in my opinion.I took a sip,and,like every other time,burnt my tongue.

I walked into the book store and went to my usual corner to read.I opened a copy of a sci fi novel and began to read.It was actually an amazing book and I was trying to finish reading chapter four when someone cleared their throat.

"Ann isn't it?"

I glanced up and nodded.

"Tim,but I guess you don't want to know,"he said quietly.

How does he know my name?

Tim had brown hair,a white mask,yellow orange jacket,blue jeans, and his whole aura screamed he's nervous to me.I held out my hand and Tim took it hesitantly.

"What are you reading?"Tim asked,"Ender's Game?Isn't that a movie?"

I shrugged and looked at the book in his hand.I defiantly haven't read it yet.

"Do you want to hang out?"Tim asked rubbing the back of his head.

I nodded and put my book back.Tim walked out the exit of the store and I followed.When I saw where we were heading I remembered Pewdie's warning.

Stay away from the forest.

He did say by myself and I'm with someone so Slender won't come after me.

"I like it here don't you?"Tim asked.

I looked around and saw trees,snow,and a few bunnies.It actually felt normal.I felt a hand land on my shoulder.I looked at Tim questionably.

"If I show you something promise me you won't tell?"he asked.

I nodded and he lead me swiftly through the forest.I couldn't even tell where we were going.My eyes seemed to betray me and it went black for a moment.Then I saw a clearing and one huge mansion.

"Welcome to Slender Mansion,"Tim said.

Cool-Did he say Slender Mansion?I started to back away when Tim spoke.

"Don't run away!Slender's not after you,he just wanted to scare you.Like enough to make you move or something,"he said.

What the heck?He scared me but not that much.

"Come on,"Tim said disappearing into the mansion.

I looked behind me and consider my options.Turn back and run or go into the mansion.If I run I could get lost,if I go into the mansion who knows what could be in there.Run or go into the mansion.

Run or mansion...Mansion.I walked up to mansion and opened the door.The entrance had a black mat and cobwebs everywhere.I walked into the mansion and heard talking.

"Hey Masky where have you been?"someone asked.

I leaned in the doorway of a living room to watch as a few guys played video games.

"Out,"Tim/Masky said.

"Where?"a short guy in a Link outfit asked.

"Mind your business BEN,"Masky said.

"Who's the girl?"a guy in a blue hoodie asked.

All talking ceased and all heads in the room turned to look at me.I waved sheepishly.

"Blue hair?Nice..."BEN said.

I already hate him.And yes my hair is blue.Doctors couldn't explain why I had blue hair but they still let me out of the hospital.

"Ann?"Sally asked her head popping up from the couch.

She climbed over the couch and looked up at me.

"Yay!Now we can play!"she grabbed my hand and started to lead me out of the living room.

'Sally introduce us to her before you drag her off to play,' a voice said in my brain.

"Okay Slendy."

Slendy?Get me out of here!

'Don't worry Ann I won't hurt you.'he 'said'.

Great...A mind reader.

"Ann,BEN is the one in the Link clothing,"Sally said.

BEN had red pupils and black where the white of the eyes are.He also was shorter than the rest of the guys in the room.

"Not bad looking,"he said smiling.

I really hate him now.He really thinks he can get on my good side that easy?He's got another thing coming.

"Eyeless Jack,"the one in the blue hoodie said.

He was a little taller than me,wore a blue mask that had black sockets and was eating something that I think was a human organ.I looked at it closer and realized it was a kidney.Almost puked right then and there.

"Jack you might want to put away the kidney.It's making her sick,' Slender said.

"Sorry,"Jack said hiding the kidney behind his back.

"Jeff is the one twirling the knife,"Sally said.

I looked at Jeff and immediately regretted it.He was leathery white,black stuff around his eyes,had no eyelids,shaggy black hair,and had a smile carved into his face.

"What?"he asked.

Does he think I'm going to talk?

'Jeff Ann doesn't talk,"Slender told him.

"Why?"he asked.

'It's her choice,'Slender replied.

He rolled his eyes and went back to messing with a kitchen knife.

'You already know Masky and Hoodie,' Slender said.

Wonder if Toby's here.

"Hey Slender I'm going to-What she doing here?"Toby asked showing up.

And speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"You know Toby?Oh man I feel bad for you now!"BEN said laughing like an idiot.

He's really getting on my nerves.

"She's able to ignore him though,"Hoodie said.

Thank you Hoodie!

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