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(Nightshade's P.O.V)

"Rake,Smile,follow me,"I said.

The two looked at each other unsure and I growled.Smile looked at me and barked.

'Nightshade,watch your temper.'

I sighed.Out of all things it's the dog that tells me that.

"Nightssshade?"Rake asked.

"It's nothing.Come on.We're going to keep an eye on the girls,"I said.

'Two problems.The Rake can't go near the school,niether can I.'

"Watch it from a  distance then Smile!"I snapped.

The Rake backed up and I saw him squinted.

"What exactly created you?"he questioned.

If I only knew.

"I don't know nor does it matter.I've got a bad feeling and usually feelings are right,"I said.

Oh if he only knew how true this was for me.

"What if the Sssslenderman findssss out?"Rake asked.

"He won't.Trust me,I know I'm not suppose to do this behind the Boss's back but something's off.You've got to believe me,"I said.

'She's telling the truth.'

"Very well Ssssmile Dog.We ssshall go with you,"Rake finally said.

"Thank you.I swear on my soul you won't regret it,"I said.

I turned and focused on the image of the school.My eyes opened and I was now standing outside of the brick building.My cloak began to retract and shrink and finally disappeared in a necklace around my neck.Taking a deep breath I relaxed.I need to appear I belong.

My violet eyes opened as Smile and the Rake appeared at the edge of the woods.Those two trust me fully,which I'm thankful for.Rake understands that I'm antisocial,he is also.We've talked and he understands I'm unsure if I want to be part of the Creepypastas.He was unsure at first too,Rake told me whatever choice I make I'm still a good friend.Crystal may think she knows how I think and feel but she's no where close to where close to how I think.

I know how I died.She doesn't need to know that.As long as people don't get close to me and make me angry,I can't hurt them.I don't want to hurt them.It's these moon for saked abilities.I could be at peace but I'm not.And it's not a consequence that Crystal and Jamie have noticed the red eyes too.I've seen Selena mutter for countless hours to herself.Or so it appears.I did my research.She's either working for Zalgo or is one of us.Which I doubt.

"Okay you two keep an eye out for anything odd.Alert me and I'll decided if it's time to alert the Boss okay?"I asked the two.

I saw them nod and I entered the school.Of course I went right through the doors but I can still be seen.Not hurt or touched.I actually enjoy seeing the looks on some of these peoples faces when they realize that I'm real.Being dead however....I don't like being.I either want to be dead or alive again.I'm leaning more towards the second option.I'm sure you can figure out why.

"Are you Ms....Duke?"a male voice asked.

I froze and looked behind me.A bald man with glasses,a wind breaker,and khakis was standing there with a clip board in hand.

"Yes,"I said.

"Thank goodness it's not that McFarland woman.You won't believe the complaints from the students each time she's here.Now you're name is?"he asked.

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