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I kept thinking what happened to my memory? One day I could remember everyone's faces,but now..... I just can't remember one face. Not a big deal.

I walked away from the crime scene without anyone even noticing me.The walk seemed colder,quieter, and lonelier. I wouldn't mind if that Ticci Toby guy showed up. Then again he just wants to kill me. Shows how lonely I am doesn't it?

I watched as more snow flurries fell down.Just like white tears I often think that the spirits of loved ones are happy.You know just like the rain thing but this is a beautiful thing.Snow is soft and pretty but in a blizzard it could be your worst enemy.

I stopped at the park.Sure that voice scared me yesterday but no way is it going to scare me away from my favorite swing!Wow...... and I called that -Wait a minute.Could he be the Toby from the picture? No,Toby is a common name right?

I sat in my swing again and focus on the snow.I closed my eyes slowly and tired like.It wasn't before long till I fell asleep.Even that didn't last long.

"Ann are you okay?" Sally asked me.

I nodded and opened my eyes lazily. She looked like she had been running or hiding from something.I guess she caught my look and explained.

"I was playing hide and go seek,"she said.

I mouthed 'Oh' and swung shortly. Sally got in the swing next to me and asked me more yes or no questions. One kind of creeped me out.

"Do you have anyone that follows you or what?"

I stopped swinging.How can Sally know about that guy?I kept quiet even know she kept asking.

"Should I just ask another question?"


"How old are you?"

I held up ten fingers,then closed four.

"Sixteen?You look older than that you know."

I rolled my eyes.I get that way too often.

"Ann you seem a little out of it.Are you okay?"

I shook my head.

"Family troubles?"

I gave her a thumbs up.

"As long as your not hurt I'm fine."

I tension up at her last choice of words again.She seemed to know more about me than she lets on.I closed and swung higher than her.Sally asked me something else but I didn't answer her.

I was focusing on the sounds and smells around me.The smell of pines and sound of soft talking was comforting for once.I now had the issue of possibly living with a foster family on my hands.Then again I could move in with Aunt Ida but she's in Paris.I need to find someone to at least look after me so I won't be relocated.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the girl.

"I've got to go.Bye!"Sally said running into the woods again.

I'm still amazed she would even step foot in there.A spect of passing white caught my eye and when I looked at it a piece of paper was laying at my feet.

Always watches

No eyes

What a weird thing to write on paper......and bad hand writing too.I'm pretty sure a kindergartner can write better.After looking around the park to see if anyone was looking for the paper I picked it up.I felt a cold tingling sensation on the back of my neck.

The air felt colder, more sinister. I got out of the swing and noticed the fog beginning to build.How scary.Don't call me a wuss,I know I am a wuss.

I walked forward and trembled.I hope there's no killer in this fog.I ran into a pole and rubbed my fore head.I backed up and stopped against something.

I looked up slowly and nearly fainted.A person about 8 or 9 feet tall,black suit,red tie, was standing there.Except it wasn't human.It had no face!Evan's buddy wasn't crazy.I screamed and ran blindly into the fog.

I tripped when something grabbed my ankle and tried to crawl away.Whatever it was tighten it's grip on me.I was literally pulling up grass and dirt in my finger nails as I struggled to get away.I screamed,kicked,and crawled harder to get away. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled.They saved me and led through the fog.

"If you think it's that easy Slendy you've got another thing coming!"a ....Swedish?....sounding male voice yelled.

Slendy?!?!?Sally knows this thing?!?!She's just a little girl!We ran blindly through the fog and I kept looking back like an idiot to see if it was there.

"It's not bad to look back to see if Slendy's there.I do all the time,"the guy said.

This guy has seen this thing?I now have a little more faith I would live.Just a little more faith.I looked to my side to see the thing right there.

I screamed and the guy disappeared.I stood there staring at my doom till I was grabbed my the back of my jacket and into sunlight.I was panting and sweating as I looked at my savior.

"The name's Pewdiepie,"the guy said.

I handed him a piece of paper with my name on it shyly.He read it and made a face.

"I'm just going to call you Jennifer,she doesn't talk much either,"he said.

I scowled and shocked him using a pen.It literally can shock people like a taser,but people still move after wards.

"Okay,okay!I won't call you Jennifer!"he yelped.

I smiled and put the pen away.Pewdie looked at the note still in my hand and snatched it.

"Nope!"he exclaimed throwing it into a trashcan,"Don't need that crap."

I tilted my head in a questioning manner.

"Don't ask,so if you need to avoid Slender I suggest moving somewhere populationed.Like Miami or New York."

I shook my head.

"Can't?Well I guess I better keep an eye on you till Slender forgets about you."

I stared at him in shock.Then a brilliant plan formed in my mind.

"Know anywhere I can stay?"

I nodded and began to walk till Pewdie grabbed my wrist.

"I've got a car."

We walked over to his car and I smirked.This is going to be a great idea.

Written in my bloodWhere stories live. Discover now