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*The next day*

I'm dead,I'm dead.That phrase kept going over and over in my head.I should just speak I mean Toby's going to kill me anyways.

"What am I going to do?"I asked myself.

I walked down the sidewalk,and kept looking over my shoulder.I hadn't seen Toby since last night but I was too terrified to even sleep.In fact I have the bags under my eyes to prove it.That's besides the point....

I quickened my pace.I need to catch the next bus really didn't think this through.I had pack a backpack and suitcase full of supplies but I hadn't thought of where I would go.I'll go where the bus takes me.I waited for it my heart pounding so fast I swear it could run out of my chest anytime.The bus finally came and I climbed aboard quickly.

"Where to dear?"the female bus driver asked.

"Anywhere but here,"I said sitting in the front.

I watched as my home town was left behind,as we passed the mall,and finally out of the town limits.I feel bad for leaving my home town but I know Toby will kill me.

"Why you leaving?"the bus driver asked.

"Someone's stalking me,"I replied.

"Why didn't you go to the police?"she asked concerned.

"They didn't help,"I lied.

" Don't I know how that this child,keep ya money.This is on me honey,"the driver said kindly.

I smiled and sat in the front seat.The metal actually wasn't has cold as it had been,but that's not what's troubling me.I have a gut retching feeling that I'll have to face Toby sooner or later.It's foretolded.

"Good luck to you dear,"she said as I got off.

"Thanks,"I said getting off.

When the bus left I looked at my surroundings.A city.How long was that ride?I looked at my phone and checked.Turns out I'm fifty miles away from home.Still not far enough.

I walked down the street and looked around.Maybe this is far enough.I mean Toby probably won't come this far to find me.Would he?I sighed and headed to an apartment complex.

I talked to the landlord and got an apartment.I walked up the stairs and went in.Then I put my stuff up.Now to find a job.I bought a paper and looked at the wanted adds.

*An hour later*

I found a well paying job at a ice cream parlor.I put on my uniform and started to work.I smiled when a man about fifty came in.

"Welcome.How can I help you?"I asked.

"One vanilla cone,"he said taking a call.

I fixed it in recorded time and gave it to him.

"That'll be $2.50,"I said.

He nodded and gave me three dollars.

"Keep the change,"he said as he walked out.

"Maybe this won't be so bad after all,"I mumbled.

*After work*

I counted up my tips and smiled.I guess I'm good at this.I made fifty bucks.I nodded slowly,proud of myself.I went back to my apartment and made a list what to get at the store.

I nodded and ran down the stairs.I walked to the nearest store and bought enough food for the week.When I was walking home I swore I saw someone that had a white hoodie but I just walked quicker.After locking the door I got to making a bowl of ramen noodles.I also bought some bowls and plastic silverware while I was there.I heard knocking and looked through the peephole.I saw a man in a white hoodie waiting there and I opened it a bit.

"Can I help you?"I asked.

He jumped and looked at the crack.I saw Jeff and kept behind the door.

"Yeah,I was wondering have you seen a friend of mine?"he asked.

"What does this friend look like?"I asked.

"A guy in a blue hood,"he said.

"Nope,haven't seen him,"I said closing the door.

I looked at my new place and sighed.How am I going to manage?I ate my noodles and listen to music.All I can do is hope for the best.I just hope my best will make the cut.

"I'd better get use to this...."I muttered.

My heart throbbed at the thought of my home.Why did I leave?I'm sure if I stayed Toby and I could've made another deal.Like that'll ever happen,a part of me said.Well the only Creepypasta I have to worry about is BEN.

He'll probably come through my phone and tell the others where I am.If he were that smart.I felt a guilt trying to claw at me but I kept it away.If I didn't do this I would be dead or my loved ones would be hurt.I finished my noodles and washed the bowl.

It's not too dark,a walk won't kill me.I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door.I made sure to lock the door and went down the stairs.The cool night air felt nice against my skin.Sometimes it's the little things that count.Like what's written in my past.Or should I say written in my blood.

I smiled softly as I thought about some of the happier memories.At least I got to go on a date with a guy I had a crush on.....but why do I feel bad about that?I guess that did have something to do with Toby's behavior.Maybe I'm the only friend he has outside of the mansion.I was so lost in thought I hadn't seen that all the street lights went out.When I almost ran into a parking meter did I realize how dark it had become.Weird.There's fog.The last time fog happened in this weather was Slender scared me.

"Anyone there?"I asked.

Silence.I'm starting to hate it.Why did I stay silent for four years?

"Cut it out,"I said.

More silence.I turned around and headed back to my apartment.I heard snow crunching and stopped.

"Slender?"I called out.

I heard a ringing noise in my ear and it continue to grow worse.

"Stop it!"I yelled.

I ran forward as my head pounded.This noise is killing my head.

'Maybe I need Advil.'

The ringing stopped and I felt chills race down my spine.This is not good at all.I looked out of the corner of my eye and sure enough saw the tall man in his dark suit and tie.

"I know you're there,"I said.

He walked closer to me.I guess he doesn't recognize me.I do have a hat and hood on.Speaking of which is starting to get a little too warm.I took off the hood and stuffed the hat in my pocket.Slender stopped walking and the air became a little frigid.I think I shocked him.I took advantage of this and ran back to my apartment.Maybe I'm not so safe after all....

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