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 I'm starting to regret coming here so late in the day.It's gotten dark and Sally looked up quickly I thought she would break her neck.

"Night time...You might want to stay inside,"Sally told me going to the main entrance.

'Did she really leave me by myself again?'

'Ann I would like to speak to you,'Slender said.

'Okay,but where are you?'


'........Where is that?'

'Almost forgot you don't live here.Just go back to the living room,up the stairs,and it should be on your left.'

I did exactly what Slender said and found it in no time.I opened the old wooden door and was greeted by a room bigger than half of my house.

This is a mansion after all....

'Ann do you remember much about your past?'Slender asked.

'There's bits and pieces missing.Why?'

'It's just you remind me of one of my old targets.'

'Don't you kill them?'

'Not this one.A boy made a deal to become a Proxy if I left her alone.'

'Deffiantly not me then...'

'Ann you I can still read your mind when your not talking to me right?'

'Then you know I don't remember much.'

'I would listen to Sally.It's not safe at night.I'm sure there's some video games you'll like down stairs.'


I went back downstairs and looked through the stack of games.I saw Legends of Zelda,COD.Halo,and a few others.I looked at the COD and studied the cover.Looks good to me.I put in COD Black Ops 2 and began to play.

*Two hours later*

No,no,no,no,NO!I was so stinking close to saving that girl!Might as well shoot at the wall.Then it faded to black and then a cut scene played.Looks like the pillow is my target now.I punched it hard and was surprised when I heard chuckling.

"I didn't think you would be one for war games,"Jeff laughed.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes.Just because I don't act violent doesn't mean I don't play war games.

"You know there's a zombie game right?"Jeff asked.

There is?I guess I got caught up in the actual game.I went to the main menu and scrolled down to the zombie thing.I held up a controller and looked at Jeff.

"I'll play,"he said taking the controller,"Now which map?"

Bus,town,or farm like place?Town.

"The town huh?Lets get playing already!"

*Twenty four rounds later*

"I can't believe you lasted that long,"Jeff commented.

I grabbed paper and wrote down ,I can't believe we even made past the sixteenth round.

He shrugged and got ready for another game.

"Finally got the last kill of the night!"BEN said plopping down on the couch,"Jeff when did you even get back?"

"Shut up and grab a controller,"Jeff snapped.

"Really Smiley?"

"Don't even start leprechaun."

"I'm not-OW!"

I had smacked both on the back on the head,so I didn't have to listen to their arguing.

'Thank you for stopping that before it started to get worse.'Slender said.

I shrugged and left the room.I walked down the halls to try and explore the mansion but a sudden thud stopped me.What now?I turned to see a knife fly by my head.


I looked to see a woman with pale skin,black voids for eyes,black hair,and she was frowning and had another knife in her hand.

"Who are you?!"she demanded.

I didn't reply but I did back up slowly.

"I asked who are you?!"she said again.

"Sounds like Jane's home,"I heard Jeff say.

"And like she found Ann,"BEN added.

Jane looked at me and asked,"You're Ann?"

I quickly nodded.

She lowered the knife and left me alone.I exhaled and felt a jolt of pain in my mind.

"Why won't you let me try and find him?!?!"a young female voice yelled.

"Why won't you get through your thick skull that he was made up!"a male voice yelled back.

'Make it stop,make it stop!'

'Ann?' Slender asked.

"BECAUSE I KNOW HE WASN'T FAKE!" the female voice yelled.

"WELL MAYBE YOU'RE GOING MAD!"the male yelled.

"Make it stop,"I heard before I black out.

(Slender's P.O.V)

"Make it stop..."Ann pleaded before fainting.

I picked her up and took her to an empty room.Whatever Ann was remembering caused such shock it made her fainted.I knew that much.I shouldn't tell Tobias I hear her speak.From experience I know some people do things that they don't even realize.

This shall be my secret,for now....but her voice sounded so familiar.Voices do change over the years but they do still have a same tone.Her's had a strange softness that I seem to recall hearing sometime ago.It might just be me,but I have to check to make sure.

I looked down at the unconscious girl and pulled a faded yellow blanket over her.Leaving Ann to recover,I teleported to the police station.They keep records of all the citizens after a incident that Sally caused a few years ago.Every citizen,young and old,is in the database.How I do I know?Timothy had hacked into the system last year and alerted me right away.

I tried to calm my aura down as I sat in the computer chair.The screen went static for a moment before the log in screen appeared.Where's that sticky note?I lifted a wanted poster to find the yellow sticky note.

Some need to practice their passwords before making the irresponsible decision to write their password and hiding in plain site. I typed in the password and clicked on database program. The first thing I did was typed in her nickname,Ann.

Two results pulled up.The first some fifty year old woman,the other being sixteen.Clicking on the second name I received quite the surprise.I had enough sense to know Ann wasn't her real name but this just makes things a little more difficult.Oh dear,more problems.

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